Thanks for 4k reads

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Hello everyone!! Thank you SO much for 4k reads!! I'm really glad that this story is getting so much recognition \(^o^)/ 

This time, you will be getting a special QnA with the main characters for the Student and the Singer!!

It's time for the game show!!

Q1. What is your favourite colour? 

Mafumafu: Black and Purple!

Soraru: Violet 

Luz: Red

Kirika: Red

Daichi: Blue!

###: Grey 

Host-san: But-

###: Grey

Q2. What is your favourite food?

Mafumafu: Spicy or watery foods!

Soraru: Cheesecakes and Mont Blanc 

Luz: Meat

Kirika: Takoyaki

Daichi: Bento

###: ...Omelette 

Q3: What is your latest concern?

Mafumafu: ###-chan doesn't like me (T^T)

Soraru: Mafu-kun's safety

Luz: Kirika-chan's playing hard to get~ 

Kirika: That beauty products are getting more expensive 

Daichi: ###-chan hangs around the wrong people!! >o<

###: Everyone 

Q4: What is your age?

Mafumafu: 29!

Soraru: 32

Luz: 27

Kirika: 24

Daichi: 23!

###: 21

Q5: Do you have a love interest? 

Mafumafu: ###-chan!

Soraru: Eureka-chan 

Luz: The Yamamoto sisters

Kirika: No one

Daichi: ###-chan!

###: [No comment]

Q6. What is something interesting about you?

Mafumafu: Red wine makes me sleepy!

Soraru: I'm scared of heights...

Luz: Things I look most for in girls are their hair, voice, and legs~

Kirika: I have a black belt in karate

Daichi: I originally had brown hair!

###: I can twist my foot backwards

Host-san: wHAT-

I hope you all enjoyed this!! Thanks for the support, let's get to 5k!!

The Student and the Singer will return next Friday, please look forward to it!! Check out my new A3! fanfic as well: Stitches! It's a Yuki x reader~

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