Chapter 53 - Data, Part 2

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I close the door behind me, my only light source provided by the computer, and get to work. 

Scrolling through the lost of names on the register, my eyes scan the various names. 

"Amasaki, Hikari... Akane, Shu..." 

After a bit more searching, I finally find his name.

"Fujikage, Aki... Furuichi.... Furuichi Daichi!" 

Wiping my tired eyes to check the screen, I can see the black name written in kanji so clearly.

This is the guy they were looking for. 

This is the guy who has ###. 

Taking my phone out of my pocket, I get his address down. Exiting the window I've opened, I leave the small room and speed-walk out of the teacher's lounge. They whisper, but I don't care. I need to get to Soraru's car fast.

I'm almost at the sliding doors, becoming quite exhausted with the effort, but I tell myself it's better than running and getting told off by a professor that'll slow me down

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I'm almost at the sliding doors, becoming quite exhausted with the effort, but I tell myself it's better than running and getting told off by a professor that'll slow me down. I'm almost there, before a familiar voice calls out my name. 

"Hey, mister!" 

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