034; merry christmas

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third person.

"hi merry christmas," nicole said as she ran into mollie's room with charlie and olivia behind her, instantly jumping onto the girls bed and cuddling up beside her, "wake up."

"julie invited us for christmas dinner," charlie added on, taking a seat at the end of mollie's bed as she slowly nodded, "because she thought it would help you through the day."

"we obviously accepted," olivia smiled slightly, sitting beside charlie as they all looked over at the girl hidden underneath two blankets, receiving little to no response.

"soo.." charlie spoke up, trying to get mollie to socialise a little more as she glanced at the other two, "what did you get for christmas?"

she shrugged before pointed over to her small christmas tree in the corner of the room, the presents that everyone had bought for her still sat beside it completely wrapped up and untouched.

nicole frowned, fiddling with the bracelets on her wrists before looking back over at the girl who was still half asleep in bed, her head on a pillow with smudged mascara over half of it. scratching the back of her neck slightly, she soon sat up and looked over at charlie and olivia.

"when did you last eat?" nicole asked.

"yesterday," mollie replied in a mumble as nicole slowly nodded, "nana made me soup."

"okay," she smiled slightly, "do you want to go stargazing with us tomorrow night?"

"i'm not in the mood," the girl shrugged.

"we can paint when we get there?" charlie suggested, still receiving a shake of the head from mollie as nicole took a deep breath, quickly wiping one of her eyes.

"do you want us to just be here as company?" olivia asked mollie as she slowly nodded, "i'm down for that."

"me too," charlie nodded, grabbing herself a blanket and getting herself comfortable before she grabbed her phone.

"yeah.." nicole sighed, "me too."

"you can share my blanket," mollie offered to nicole, who quickly accepted as she cuddled herself up to the girl, her head just beside mollie's.

"are you going back to sleep?" she asked her as mollie nodded, "are you eating any thing when julie makes the christmas dinner?"

"i'll try."




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