Movie time

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Dhwani's Pov:
Ok, this is awkward. Why do I have to sit near him? Why all these things are happening now? There was a time when I wished for his closeness. But now when I have already accepted that we have no future and I am all set to let him go, all these things are happening. Like every other girl I also thought that I will be having a love-arranged marriage. But when I realised that love marriage won't be possible for me I believed that I would having a normal arrange marriage with a guy whom my parents would chose . I was ready for this also. So when this proposal came I wasn't shocked, I was expecting that. When papa told me about the proposal I told him if he likes the guy that then he can say yes, I am ok. Now I regret that I didn't meet the guy and talked to him. If I did have talked to him then we both wouldn't have tied in this meaningless relationship. I don't blame him for all these, I know that he also have reasons. It's just that I done with faking everything. I feel so bad that I have to act in front of our parents and other people. Why didn't I have guts to tell everyone that I am not happy and nothing is fine between us? All our life girls are taught we should adjust with their husband no matter what they do and  bear everything without complaining.

"Dhwani, Dhwani where are you?" Adi nudged me and asked.
"Huh, sorry I was thinking about something." I didn't realised that I zoned out.
"The movie is going to start so come back." Adi said.
I have never watched movie from this room. In fact this is the first time I am coming to this room. This was Vansh's area so it was off limits. And now I have to sit beside him. When I am trying to stay away from him I am coming more close to him. I am feeling so helpless now, I want to go away from him.

It's almost half time to the movie, when I felt a weight on my right shoulder. I was sitting with Vansh on a sofa. Others was sitting in the other sofas, so it is just two of us here. All of them were busy watching the movie to notice that he was sleeping. I thought of waking him up.

What if he gets mad when he see that he was leaning on my shoulder and sleeping? There's a chance. This man is so unpredictable that sometimes I don't even understand what he wants. I taped on his left hand to wake him. That was a big mistake.

The way he is looking at me with those sleepy hypnotic eyes made my heart beat louder. Vansh please don't look at me like that. It's doing things to me. This is not what I was expecting.

"What happened?" He asked in his sleepy groggy sound. That was so attractive. I always had a thing for guy's voice. I like the rough and manly voice. And here this man is a very good example of what I like in men.

"Um- you - are sleeping on my shoulder." I told him hesitantly. What if he shouts in front of everyone? He never did that. My inner me told me. But still!

"So?" He just closed his eyes leaned more on to me.

"Nothing." I mumbled. Hearing this he looped his hand through me arm and leaned a bit more closer and slept. Just like that. How can someone sleep like this?

"Keep it low guys, we are watching movie." Nikhil yelled.

"Sorr-" I was going to apologise for disturbing them.
"Shut up." Vansh yelled back. Wasn't he asleep? This guy is going make me mad someday for sure.

Till now I didn't realise that he was not in my shoulder anymore he was moving more towards my neck and to balance us I had to lean closer to sofa handle. I had a kept whatever possible distance between us in this small sofa. But this is a big man and he needs most of the space and my now my shoulder too. I could feel his warm breath on my neck making me shiver. Shit!! I hope he is asleep. What the hell is happening to me?

The whole time my heart was beating loudly all this time making me nervous and his hand is not making things easy too. Why does he effect me so much? I don't even have such a strong feeling for me still his mere presence is more than enough to make me flustered.

I have to complete what I have started before this accident happened. Otherwise it will be too late for me. Just few more days.

Finally the torturous movie is over. The final cheer sound from his friends had woken him up. I can feel grains in my shoulder. But I didn't dare to say anything and embarrass both of us. These people won't stop teasing. Before they see us like this, I quickly got up from the sofa.

"I will make coffee and snacks for everyone. Please come down all of you." I tried to run from there. I don't want them to see my flushed cheeks.

"Wait Dhwani, I will help." Before I could go out of the room Nidhi said.

"How are going to help her? By watching?" Advay mocked her.

"Oye stop making fun of me. She is there right? She will guide me what to do." She told Advay.

"Won't you?" She asked cutely. This girl is something else.

"Of course! Come let's go then." I told smilingly. We both went to kitchen. She was talking about movie while walking, where I am just humming in response. I hope she doesn't understand that I was not at all concentrated in movie.
Thankfully we reached kitchen soon.

"Ok Mrs Singhania, what should I do now ?" She asked in a fake courtesy making both of us laugh.

"There isn't much to do. You just give me company." I told her started my work.

"I don't know when will I learn all these things. I just know how to make some instant noodles." She said sulking.

"It's not necessary that should know all these things. I also was like you only. But marriage I learned all these things. What if you get a husband who knows to cook?"

"Then I will the luckiest one. Dhwani actually I wanted to ask you something." She hesitated while saying this.

"Just ask! No need of formalities." I told her smiling.

"Do you love Vansh?" This question from her made me drop the spoon I was holding. I didn't expect this.

Do I love him?

Hello everyone,
Happy new year my dear friends.
How are you all?
Sorry for making you all wait this long.
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With love

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