Another day

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Dhwani's POV
I am neither an extrovert nor an introvert. I am something in between them. I can be very enthusiastic and outgoing at times depending upon situations and the people around me. Otherwise I will be most silent person you can in the room with a polite smile. But here staying someone Vansh is nerve wrecking. I don't hate it but I don't like it too. I just don't know how act around him. What if he gets mad or something? He is already in so much of pain and I don't want cause a disturbance to him in any way. He is not at all sleeping properly. Whole night he was groaning in pain while sleeping. I didn't know what to do so I acted like I was sleeping but in real I could here every single sound in this room. In early morning after giving his breakfast and medicines I came home so that I can clean myself and make some food for us. I still remember his expression when they gave him that watery oats as breakfast. Any normal person will gag if they see that thing. I feel sad for him that's why I thought that I will bring some homemade healthy food him and asked permission from doctor also. At first he was unsure but later on he agreed.
Now I am done with cooking after taking shower I will pack it in tiffin boxes. Even Adi will have food with us so I m taking extra. I will have to take a shower then I will leave for hospital.

After one hour
In hospital
When I reached hospital I was welcomed with a awkward situation. As soon as I opened the door I saw a young nurse trying to sponge bath Vansh. The sound of opening door the brought their attention to me. The words which come from Vansh's mouth after seeing me was another shocker.

Vansh's POV
"My wife is here now she will give me a sponge bath." I told that annoying nurse while pushing her off me. I was so glad that I had a wife at this moment. This nurse was touching me weirdly and provocatively. It's not that I don't like attention of opposite gender but here I feel like I was being molested by this nurse.
"What? Me? I don't know how to do that. Let her do it." That idiot wife of mine replied with horror struck face.
"Yes sir. Ma'am is correct I know my duty better sir. I can give you better bath sir." That nurse said in a hoarse voice.
"Dhwani come here first." I told her patiently. If she doesn't remove this leech from here I don't know what will I do. It's better not to create a scene.
"Look Dhwani did you forget giving me a sponge bath when I was having fever last time. I still remember you doing very nicely. Don't you remember it?" I asked while glaring at here trying to make her understand what I meant .
"Oh that day.... yeah yeah I do remember." I think she got I wanted to convey. She's smart.
"Sister I can help my husband. Thanks for your efforts I will handle from here. You can leave."
"But Maam it's my duty. I can do it better than you."
"I told you that I can handle and he will be much more satisfied with me. You don't have to worry about that. So kindly leave now." Are they still talking about sponge bath only?
Finally that annoying nurse left from the room. Dhwani took the water tray and sponge. She looked me in the eyes for permission to start. I nodded yes at her in reply.
As far I remember I have very good looking and fit body which can make any woman drool over. But here she isn't even batting an eye after seeing my body. Isn't she effected a bit? Why should even care about that? To satisfy your ego. An voice said from my head which is absolutely true. I was staring at whole time while she was cleaning my body. Whole time she was very gentle and careful not to touch any injured part. I was actually feeling fresh and good now which I was not gonna tell her.
"When did I give you sponge bath?" She asked suddenly from nowhere. Shit!
"I lied so that she stop harassing me." At this she started laughing. She is beautiful. I was openly staring at her for the first time. Soon she noticed my stare and her laughter ceased. We both were having an eye lock. Don't know how long we both were looking at each other. But it was soon broken by someone who barged inside the room. Which is none other than Adi.
"Am I interrupting something?" He asked her. This made her turn into a tomato which I liked and she moved away from the bed which I didn't like.
"No no. You came on right time. Help him to get dressed I will just wash my hands and come." Saying this she left to washroom.
"Having good time buddy?"
"Yes of course. I couldn't even move from this bed and you are asking about having a good time."
"My eyes saw something different then. I think someone was having a great time in this bed."
"Well I can also see someone getting too much friendly with someone. What do you have to say about that?"
"I don't know about the someone you are talking about." He very well knows what I am talking about. But he likes to get into my nerves.
"Oh really? Cut it out asshole."
"Why, are you by chance jealous that your wife having a good time with me?"
"Jealous and that too for her no way man. I was wondering what sort of magic she did on you."
"She is an amazing person if you get to know her Vansh. We have been wrong about her. Try to get know her or you would regret it later." Like seriously what did she do to my friend. The person who despised her is talking about her goodness. I don't know what acting she did in front of him that he is impressed by her.
Like father like daughter. Bloody opportunists.

Hello everyone!
Hope that everyone is in good health.
Here is the next chapter.
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