Incomplete talks

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Dhwani's Pov:

I can't believe that I am driving his car. This is so cool. I have learned driving even before I turned 18. So I kind of have enough knowledge about how to drive properly. But still this is the first time I driving something luxurious.

It was a silent journey, we went to a silent park a little bit faraway from our place. I was shocked when Vansh said that this is the first time he has been here. He was born and bought up here still he never knew such a beautiful place.

I had found this place accidentally. Once my google map messed up and reached here instead of my original location. But it was worth it. This place is beautiful and calm that all your worries fade away as you sit here some time.

There is enough space for walking so I bought him here and by seeing his expression I think he too like this place.

"How did you find this place?" He asked me.

"That was an accidental discovery." I told smilingly.

For that he just smiled and didn't say anything. Then we started walking.

"You know there is small pond at the of this pathway and it's very beautiful sight to see." I told him excitedly. All this while he was just staring at me with a small smile making me frown.

"What happened Vansh? Is there anything on my face that you are smiling like this?" I asked him. He is looking a bit weird, maybe it's because I haven't seen him like this. Like normally how he is. With me he was always in angry mode.

"No, nothing is there." Saying this he wounded his left arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him and started walking.

"You are behaving weird." I told him.

"There is nothing weird, you continue what you were saying." Then I told him everything I know about this place and he patiently listened to me.

"How's it?" I asked him excitedly.

"It's beautiful." He said looking at me.

"Come, let's sit there." I told him while pointing towards the stone bench.

We walked towards that bench and sat there. This is the place where I come to hideaway from my problems. And look at the irony now I am sitting in the same place with root cause of my almost all problems.

Aren't we both pretending like everything is ok between us? How long will this charade go on? He is almost fine now, what will happen after he gets fine completely? He won't be needing my help anymore.

I swear I am not trying to read between lines. I know he just see me as a friend or someone who helped him when he was not well. This is the problem with me, I know everything and still some stupid hope is there in my heart. What am I going to tell our parents ? All this while we both have pretended that everything is fine between us. Now what? What about us, our married life?

What a joke Dhwani? Is there a us and married life to begin with? My subconscious asked me. Life is such a bitter joke!

Vansh took hold of me hand making me flinch and he turned towards me with a frown. He raised his eye brows in a questioning manner.

"What changed Vansh?" I couldn't help but ask him the question which was running through my mind all this time which I have successfully suppressed all these days. Not anymore. I can't continue this charade anymore.

"What do you mean?" He asked me seriously. Is he like acting clueless or is he actually clueless?

"Us, what has changed now?" I asked him while swallowing the lump formed in my throat. I am becoming emotional.

"I don't have any answer for your question now. Can we just go with the flow? We will discuss all these when the correct time comes." He said solemnly.

"When will the time come?" I can't wait another two years for his correct time. My belief from this relationship was already on the verge of breaking but now again a tiny bit of hope is again rising. If this hope also gets broken then I don't know how I will survive.

"Soon." Saying this turned me and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes at the feel of his lips on my forehead. It was a new feeling which calmed the turmoil inside me.

We sat there basking the warmth of setting sun. I feel emotionally drained. This is why I block all these thoughts.

"Let's go back." He said. I helped him to get up and walk. We silently walked back to the car. The drive was a silent one.

"Can we have something on the way? I thought we will have evening snacks from some cafe and then will get some takeaway for dinner. I have to buy groceries too." I told him. I am lazy today to do anything and there is nothing at home. It's high time we do some shopping for groceries.


When we reached the city area there was many cafe's, we stopped near one and got our orders through drive in and silently had our snacks. After that we went to mall.

"Do you want to join me or will you sit here?" I asked him while parking the car.

"I will come with you." Then we both went towards the grocery shopping area.

"You know Ma never takes me for shopping because I always spoil her budget and shopping list. So I am coming for grocery shopping after years." He said excitedly. All those talks long forgotten.

I think I should do as he said. That's go with the flow. Let me do my shopping now.

Now I understood why his mother didn't take him for grocery shopping. He needs every things on which his eyes get stuck. He doesn't even know for what's se  that item is for but still he needs it. Now we are standing in chocolate and candy aisle. He putting everything in the cart. I never took him for someone who is having a sweet tooth. With his bitter personality it's impossible to imagine him like this.

"Why are you staring at me like this?" He asked me making me realise that I was staring at him.

"Are you done?" I asked him. Which one is the real Vansh? I feel like I don't know this guy at all. One second he behaves so childishly and next second he becomes all hulk mode.

After his analysing of sweets we both walked towards another aisle where pain reliefs and all is there. I wanted to buy a pain relief spray.

"Dhwani" he called me. I hummed at this. I was going through the variety over there.

"Which flavour do you like? Chocolate or strawberry?" He asked very seriously.

"If raw then strawberry otherwise chocolate. I don't like the flavour of strawberry." I told him. I didn't understand why did he suddenly asked  such a question.

"Why are you asking this?" I asked him to quench my curiosity.

"For future reference." He said pointing towards a rack. When I looked towards it was a shelf containing condoms. Heat rushed into my checks and neck automatically. What is he thinking?

"How about banana?" He again asked mischievously making me blush more.

"Vansh stop it already." I somehow blurted out. Why am I feeling this much shy now?

"You know what I also like chocolate more." He said in my ears while his lips brushed against my ear making my breath hitch.

How am I going to survive this?

Thanks to all of your support. We reached 10k reads today. I am so happy.

I know this chapter might be boring but please adjust with this now. From next chapter onwards our story is going change it's direction.

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- SR

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