Heart break

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Dhwani's Pov:

I felt like jumping up and down and scream to everyone that I have started liking him. But-

Stop thinking about buts. Just be happy for sometime. Vansh will come around I am sure about that now. I can feel that our marriage is going to work out now. So take a deep breath and chill.

Saying good bye to Amith, I went home early. I can't wait to see him. I am not going to confess that I have started liking him now but I will tell him once he starts liking me back. This would be my last try. It will be the last effort from my side. After this I would never try doing anything for this relationship. Now I left everything in god's hands. He knows better.

I don't why but today I feel like I am driving too slow or the road have elongated. It might be my excitement. I can't express how happy I am. I have started falling for my husband. I will try to clear out all misunderstanding between us. We lacked the number one quality in relationship which is the communication. I never tried to talk to him about things and he also never took a step. Now I should keep aside my ego and start listening to my heart. I don't want to get heart broken again.

Finally I reached home. Everyday uncle will be here watering plants, but today he isn't here. Maybe he might have left early. I feel like something is going to happen. My heart beat started to rise automatically. I am feeling scared and excited to meet him.

Cool down Dhwani!! Don't go and embarrass yourself in front of him by rambling stupidity. Calm yourself and take deep breath.

After giving myself a pep talk, I excitedly walked towards his room to get the biggest shock of my life. I shouldn't have came here.

I felt a cold shiver passing through my whole body witnessing the scene in front of me. There was a sharp pain in my heart. Is it the pain of heart breaking? I don't know. I am such a fool. I got fooled by everyone and even my own feelings.

"I-I am s-so-rry, sh-ould ha-ve knocked." I somehow stuttered out and ran from there.

I didn't cry in front of him but after  reaching my room I couldn't control myself. Loud sobs raked through body. I felt I am like not getting enough breath, my lungs was getting constricted. My whole body started hurting. I couldn't reach my bed, I sat on the floor and cried. I am such fool to think that I had a chance with a guy like him.

I could faintly hear knocks on my door. But I didn't have any energy left in me to get up from here. I don't how long I cried but the last thing I remember is laying on the floor and crying.

Vansh's Pov:

I was woken up by a gentle nudge on my arms. I knew it that it will Dhwani as always but didn't expect to see her like that, in that attire. She was looking so beautiful in black and her wedding chain and sindhoor added extra charm to her beauty. I could see every curve of her body making someone very much excited in the morning itself. It was very natural reaction from my side which I couldn't help.

Her curves wasn't the main thing which was attractive but it was wedding chain and sindhoor which hooked me. I liked it on her in fact I can say that I loved it. I have never seen her wearing it at all. I didn't want her to go out like this. She was looking so beautiful and I wanted her beside me.

I stupidly asked her to take a leave so I only could feast on her beauty. I felt so good seeing that she is wearing her wedding chain and sindhoor which symbolise that she is mine. I was never like this. All these materialistic things never mattered to me but seeing her in those I want her to wear it always. It would give me a sense of pride.

I am becoming more possessive about her these days which I don't know whether it's a good thing or bad thing. I don't know how all things will end in the future.

It's already evening and she would be coming in 2-3 hours. Till then I will get my works done. Whole day I was thinking about her making it impossible to concentrate on work. I could only see her image and those in lips all those papers which I was trying to read. This girls is playing hard with my head.

Suddenly somebody barged into my room. I didn't have to look up to see who was it. The strong perfume could easily give out the person. It was none other than Misha, assistant finance manager at my company and my on and off girl friend. We started our shitty relationship at college. It never worked but we still lingered around just for sex, which was very good.

"Well, isn't it the great Vansh Singhania itself?" She said with a smirk.

"What would bring you here?" I asked her coldly while folding my arms around my chest.

"Why wasn't I allowed to meet you at office?" She asked.

"That's why you are at my home!" I didn't ask but said as a statement.

"Give me an answer Vansh." She screamed. I gently got from the couch and walked towards the bed.

"Don't forget your limits Misha, you are no one to shout at me or demand answers from me. I have told to you maintain your distance from me." I told her coldly.

"So I see, you have melted in the warmth which that girl gives you huh!" She said madly.

"I don't want you here." I told her while looking at her eyes.

"Does she knows how many nights you have spend with me after your so called marriage ?" She asked acidly.

"That is non of your concern and the nights you were talking about I wasn't the one who was begging around. So shut up and get out before I do the honour ." I told her coldly.

"So, you are saying that you don't want me anymore." She said this and walked towards me.

"Yes." I told her without wasting any second.

She came towards me and started to trail her fingers on my face. I didn't push her off me because I wanted to see how far she will go.

"What did she do that you are saying no to me?" She asked seductively which wasn't at all working on me.

"Everything which you can't." I told her while pushing her hands of me. It was giving me weird feel in a bad way.

Suddenly she pushed me to bed and started kissing which I wasn't expecting at all. At that correct moment the door to my room got opened to give me another shock.

Dhwani was standing there with wide eyes. I can see her face ashen, tears building up in her eyes. The trembling of her lips and she said something. I could see everything but I was unable to react. It felt like my body was paralysed for few seconds.

Only after she closed the door, I came back to reality. Fuck, what hell did happen? What would be she thinking? No, no, this can't be happening now. I harshly pushed her of me and got up from the bed.

"Get out before I do something worse to you." I shouted at her making her run of the room.

How did everything got messed up like this? I should have pushed her in beginning urself. What am I going to tell her? Will she believe me?

I quickly ran out of my room and went to hers. I can feel the pain shooting up through my leg but it was not the time for it. I need to talk to her now itself. I knocked her door many times but she didn't open it. I am getting scared.

Is she gonna leave me now? No I won't allow that. No matter what she is not getting rid of me. I thought with determination. She might need this space now, so I will give it her. After that  she have to hear me out.


Phew, that was an emotional roller coaster ride.

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