Breaking point

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Vansh's POV:

I received the noticed from court for our divorce hearing. My hands started shivering automatically and I started sweating badly. I felt like I can't breath. I removed the collar button open the first button of my shirt and loosened the sleeves and folded it. I feel so suffocated and difficulty in breathing. I grabbed the chair towards me and sat on it holding my head in hands.

I was jerked out of my thoughts because of the ringing of my phone.  I attended the call.

"Yes, I will come now." I told. It was my secretary informing me about an important meeting. I need to go. I took a deep breath and left from home.

What is going to happen after the first hearing? She is leaving for real. How I am gonna face her? Will she talk we with?

Somehow I drove and reached the office on time. After the meeting I was alone in my cabin. I feel like everything is blaming me for my mistakes. The tables, chairs everything is screaming I hate you to me. I can see many faces in front of me. They all are screaming at me. But one sound is prominent which is her yelling I hate you at me. 

All of these are flashing in front my eyes and these sounds are burning my ears. I feel like my head is spinning.

I screamed aloud because I couldn't hold this anymore. I got up from my chair but I couldn't stand properly, my legs didn't support and I fell down. These voices are hurting me, it feels like blades are cutting through my body. I closed my ears with my hands and screamed aloud. It's becoming intolerable. I could hear someone calling me. I couldn't reply and then everything went blank and I couldn't see or hear or feel anything anymore. And I fell into nothingness.

Advay's Pov:

Fuck!! What the hell happened to Vansh? He was screaming and when I went inside his cabin he was laying on the floor and blood coming out of his nose. Then he fainted too. I don't know what to do.

"What the hell are you looking at? Let's take him to hospital and call Adi." Nikhil screamed at me.

"Yeah." I was like in trance.

Somehow we bought him to hospital. Thankfully he drove the car. Seeing Vansh like that triggered many memories which I wanted to forget but couldn't. I hate hospitals.

"What happened to him?" Adi ran to us once he saw our car.

"I heard a scream and then he was sitting and then fainted and blood came through his nose." I somehow told him.

"Come fast let's see what happened to him." He said and ran behind the guys who were taking him.

We were told to wait outside and they took him to emergency room. When you are waiting for something every seconds seems to be hours. What the hell are they doing inside? It's been long time and no one said anything.

"Adi what the hell happened to him and what took you so long?" Nikhil asked Adi once he saw him outside the emergency room.

"He's fine now. He fainted due to mental stress and exertion." He said calmly.

"Then what about bleeding?" I asked him.

"It happens sometimes. He is stressed out because of everything that's why." He said.

"Should we call Dhwani?" Nikhil asked doubtfully.

"Lets wait for him to wake up." Adi said.

It was almost one hour since we are waiting outside the emergency room. My phone rang twice but I didn't bother to attend it. It was my wife who called. It might be kids playing with her phone she never calls me as such. If anything important is there she will text first and I usually call her back. 

It was in the evening when he regained his conscious. After doctors checked him we were allowed to meet him. 

"Have you made any deal with someone that you will bring us to hospital once in six months?" Nikhil asked sarcastically.

"I didn't ask you to come." He replied back.

"Later guys, how are you feeling now?" I asked him.

"My head is hurting other than that I am fine." He said.

"What is happening with you man? How did this happen?" Adi asked him.

"I don't know what happened suddenly I could here voices and my head started hurting and then everything went blank." He said.

"Did any ghost possess your body or something?" Nikhil asked seriously.

We all turned towards him and gave him a look.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I have seen in a movie." He said.

"Vansh doctor wants to meet you personally. He will come after some time." Adi said.

"But why?" He asked.

"I don't know he didn't tell me anything." Adi said.

"When can he go home?" I asked.

"Let him rest here for today and tomorrow he can go home." Someone said from behind.

"Sir, what are you doing here?" Adi asked him.

"I came to talk to the patient. It would be nice if you guys wait outside." He told us.

"Sure." We said and went outside.

"Who's that?" Nikhil asked Adi.

"He is one of the best psychiatrist in the city." Adi said.

"Why does he want talk to Vansh?" I asked him.

"I don't know." Adi said cluelessly.

Vansh's Pov:

"How do you feel now Mr. Singhania?" Doctor asked.

"I am fine now, you can call me Vansh." I told him.

"Ok. I am Dr. Madhav Kohli." He told him.

"Why do you want to see me?" I asked him.

"Do you know why you are admitted here?" He asked.

"Uh because I fainted?" I asked doubtfully.

"Yes, but do you know the reason for that?" He asked me.

"Doctor if you want to say something then come straight to the point. Don't beat around the bush. I accept what ever you are trying to say." I told him for which he just laughed. Is this doctor mental or what?

"Ok, let's come to the point. Your body and mind is not able to tolerate the stress which you are going through. So it is shutting down itself. Its not good for you. Excessive stress may lead to health problems and can also lead to heart attack and stroke. And Vansh your condition is not so good as of now." He said seriously for which I remained quiet.

"Can I know what is causing you so stress?" He asked. I still didn't answer.

"It's ok if you don't want to answer now. I can totally understand but Vansh you need help. Otherwise it will be very harmful to yourself only. You are very young, you have long way to go now. So as your doctor I suggest you to undergo treatment and attend counselling for improving your condition." He said making stare blankly at the wall in front of me.


I am so sorry for the late update. I hope you all will forgive me.

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