Rising again!

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Vansh's PoV:

On the day he signed the divorce papers.....

I am feeling so lost and feeling helpless. I don't want to let her go but after what I have done with her she deserves this freedom from such a relationship. I made a big mistake. Mistake is a small word for what I have done with her. I always thought that I could conceal my thoughts and emotions easily but with everything was uncontrollable. I will get mad if she isn't talking to me properly, I hated when she used to give me monosyllable replies, I felt insecure when she talked with other guys including my friends. I know that she would never cheat on me in fact I was the one who did that to her. 

How much I wish I could go back to that time and change everything! Alas, nothing can be done now. I couldn't even properly apologize to her. I don't know whether she see my face again or not. I thought that the carefree self of mine didn't exist anymore but with I was that old me. She knowingly changed me and I felt good after a long time. Now that she is no more with me, I don't know what to do anymore. 

I laid on the floor and stared at the roof. I don't know when I slept. It was when Ma came to my room I realized that I slept on the floor itself. She came to say that they were going to Dhwani's home and will handover the divorce papers to her. 

"Is this going to our end huh?" I asked myself and combed my fingers in my hair and pulled it with force. 

I spent whole day in my room. I didn't want to go out and meet anyone. I want to be alone. I don't think I will able to survive like this. I fucking need her like anything, still I spoiled everything with my own hands. 

Days passed by and I spend whole time either by working or staying alone. Ma came to me many times to talk but I didn't want to talk to anyone so stayed alone all these days.

It was a Sunday and I was all alone at home. This house feels so empty without her presence. Its so weird that I can see her everywhere at home. I am going mad without her. 

"What the hell Vansh? How long are going to avoid everyone like this?" Nidhi shouted at me from no where.

"What are you doing here and how did you get inside?" I asked her feeling confused.

"I am making babies here! You have any problem?" She asked me sarcastically.

"Ni, I am not in mood now. Go home!" I told her.

"Oh when will your mood be ok, so that we can take an appointment for that auspicious time?" Said Advay.

"Leave me alone." I said in frustration.

"Do you think that sitting alone and mopping around will bring her back to you?" Adi asked .

"Don't have any work to do?" I asked them.

"Yes, but a asshole friend of ours is in crisis, so we had to leave our important works for him." Nikhil said.

"I don't want anyone's help." I said without meeting anyone's eye.

"Shut the fuck up! You don't even know what to do and you are showing your shitty arrogance to us.!" Nidhi again yelled at me.

"I- I am sorry." I told them.

"Fuck off!" Nidhi said.

"What are you searching for?" Adi asked Nikhil.

"I was searching for empty alcohol bottles." He said while searching making us frown.

"Like in those movies and all when the heroine leaves the hero, the hero becomes a drunkard and stop living his life. But here I can't find anything." He said.

"Are you indirectly trying to taunt someone?" Adi said with smirk.

"I wouldn't dare to something like that." Nikhil said while glancing towards Advay who was busy staring at the nothing in particular.

"Well I don't think drinking away my problems will bring her back to me. Moreover she never liked me drinking." I told them.

"Why were you not answering aunt's call? She is worried about you." Adi asked.

"I didn't want to talk to anyone and I don't have anything to talk also." I told him.

"How long are you planning to be like this?" Nidhi asked.

"I don't know." I told her.

"Very good. Stay like this. Let her divorce you and marry someone who deserves a girl like her and give her babies." She said.

"How about her friend? That police officer? He seems like a good guy and I am sure that he will keep her happy." Advay said making my blood boil. 

"Exactly and he is very handsome with those strong muscled body." Nidhi said with excitement making all of us glare at her.

"What? I am a girl and I like men." She said while shrugging her shoulders.

"Shut up all of you!" I yelled lowly.

"On a serious note what do you want Vansh?" Adi asked.

"I want Dhwani back." I said without missing a beat.

"Do you really think that she would accept you after everything you have done? You have cheated on her Vansh." Nidhi said.

"I - I am, I don't know. I very much guilty about what I have done." I said shamefully.

"Well you being guilty is not going to change the fact that you cheated on your wife. If it was me then I would have left a husband like on that day itself. I don't know she stayed with you for this long." Nidhi said me tense.

"I second that! That was very low of you Vansh. I have told you this before also your impulsive actions are going to bite your back one day and look what happened now." Adi said.

"I wasn't thinking straight at that time. I was blinded with anger towards everyone and the only person who burned in my anger is her. Will she ever forgive me?" I asked them feeling shameful and helpless.

"Shutting you off from everyone and everything is not going bring her back Vansh. If you want her get the hell outta here and get back to yourself. " Nikhil said.

"And fucking try to get forgiveness." Advay added.

"Will she forgive?" I asked in a small voice.

"It depends on her and how much you are trying!" Adi said.

"I am telling you Vansh it won't be an easy task and you can't use your manipulative ways to get things done. The crime which you done isn't a small one to pardon easily." Nidhi said.

"And this time if you are messing up things it would us that you have to face." Nikhil said with seriousness.

"I wouldn't do anything like that. I promise." I told them determination.

"Now go and get ready we are going out." Advay said.

"I never expressed how much you all mean to me. Thanks for being there always for me whenever I wanted you all and when I didn't also." I told with a genuine smile. Losing her made me realize what importance a person holds in your life.

"Fuck off bitch." Nidhi said in a mock anger.

"When did he because a mousy?" Nikhil asked to no one in particular.

"Fuck you!" I swore and he laughed at me.

"That's like ma boy." Nikhil said making me smile first time in these days.


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