Hot and Cold

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Dhwani's POV:

I was woken up from the nap by the constant knocking on the door. I groggily got up from bed and opened the door to Vansh's grinning face. Why is he so happy? Of course after playing with my life like that he should be happy.

"What?" I snapped at him.

"Dinner is here. Come down soon." He said and went down.

If it was in my hands then I wouldn't have gone down. But I am hungry and stomach is making noises. I went to washroom washed my face and went down. The takeaway was neatly arranged on the table. He have kept the lights dim so the atmosphere feels bit intimate. What is he trying to prove now? Just because he said that he wanted everything real then it will become real. Not everything goes as his wish, not when other persons are involved in it.

"Sit down. I have ordered Chinese. Hope that you will like it." He said and sat on his chair.

"Thanks." I mumbled and sat down next to his chair where he have kept another plate. I served myself and started eating.

"How was your day?" He asked while eating.

"It was fine." I was not in a mood for chitchatting but he was not at all understanding.

He kept pestering me asking something or the other. I am losing my patience second by second.

"So, what do you have to do at office?" He again asked something which ignited something in me and snapped at him.

"Will you just stop it! Just because you want to talk doesn't mean that I should also talk with. Not everything can happen according to mood. Till few days ago you didn't even cared whether I was at home or not. Now suddenly you want be my husband in real sense. Wow Vansh, that is a great thing." I yelled at him.

I got up from chair and went towards window. I couldn't control the tears which flowed from my eyes.

 I couldn't control the tears which flowed from my eyes

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"I am sorry that you had to go through all this things. I would do anything to make it up." He said while coming and standing behind.

"Then let me go." I told in breaking voice.

"Dhwani " He just said pointedly and back hugged me.

"Dhwani " He just said pointedly and back hugged me

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I tried to push him off but he wasn't even budging. This made me cry more.

"Why this three month drama?" I asked him in tears.

"Shh, baby stop crying. Everything will be fine soon. Just this three months can we forget past and just live in present. Please?" He said softly pleading to me.

"I don't know. It's not easy as you are thinking or saying." I told him.

"It's not that difficult also. Stop thinking about it. Just go with the flow." He whispered in my ear.

Look at irony, the person who is the sole reason for my tears is the person whose arms are providing me comfort. Surprisingly I am feeling protected and safe in his arms.

I don't know for how long we stood there like that. Nobody said anything, it was so silent but a comforting silence.

"Now, go and finish your food." He told me slowly removing his arm from me. I missed the warmth suddenly.

I nodded at him and went to wash area to wash my face. I can imagine my swollen eyes making me cringe. After coming back I resumed my eating. He was done so he went somewhere. Once I am done I took everything to kitchen and washed utensils. I arranged everything properly and went to my room.

All this while my phone was in silent as I forgot change it after office. There are few messages and a missed call from Papa. I will call him tomorrow as I am not in mood to talk right now. I laid down on the bed was almost asleep when I heard a knock on my door.

"Urg!! Now what does he want?" I said to myself and opened the door to his grinning face.

"What happened now?" I asked him irritated.

"Husband and wife sleeps in same room and bed." Saying this he pushed aside and went inside my room.

"What the hell?" I asked him trance.

He was walking around my room like he owns the place. Actually he does but still.

"You have water in here. Perfect!" He said when saw a bottle of water on the bedside table. He kept his phone aside and removed his T-shirt.

"What are you doing?" I asked him in shock.

"It is difficult to sleep with T-shirt on and it's hot too. Come on sweetheart what are you waiting for, it's already late." He said while down on the bed.

"Don't call me that again." I hissed at him and laid on my side. There is no use in arguing with him. It had always ended in my failure.

I was almost asleep when I felt like my blanket was being pulled away from me. I automatically pulled it back. Again same thing happened.

"What do you want now?" I asked him in irritation. I want to at least sleep peacefully.

"It's getting cold." He said.

"So?" I asked him.

"Let me get into the blanket." He said.

"Why didn't you bring your own and yeah you were the one who was telling that it was hot?." I asked sarcastically.

"That was then. Now it's cold." He said pulling my blanket.

"If it's getting cold then wear your T-shirt." I told him with smirk.

"Too many clothes is so irritating." He told.

"So?" I again asked to rile him up. At least I could do this.

"Arey yaar Dhwani, I am feeling chills. Let me inside the blanket. Please?" He said in a sickly sweet voice.

"Now that's like a good boy." I said while letting him inside the blanket. I don't want him to get sick now.

"Aaa, what the hell?" I screamed at him when he almost engulfed me in his cold arms. Imagine ice cold torso and arms around my warm body.

"I am not doing anything, just warming myself nothing else." He said with smirk.

"Leave me right now." I yelled at him.

"Shh, shh. It's time to sleep. If you didn't sleep on time you will get dark circles and will look like a panda." He said innocently.

"How dare you call me panda? Do I look like a panda to you?" I yelled at him while trying push his hands off me.

"What? No. I didn't mean it like that." He said cautiously tightening his arms around  me.

Like that our banter continued till long time until we both fell asleep. One thing I was sure about is that these three months are going to be very eventful both in a good way and bad way.

Only time will tell how this is going to change our lives.

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Excited for what will happen in next three months?

It's a humble request from my side, I have seen many reads on chapters but not enough votes. If you like this story please do vote as it gives me a motivation to write.


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