An old friend

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Dhwani's PoV
Why am I acting like this? Get grip over yourself woman. That man is dangerous for your mental health. Keep that in your mind. Giving all these pep talks to myself, I went back to the room.
"Aah D I was waiting for you!" As soon as I came back to the room Adi said making me raise my eyebrows.
"I am hungry and you said that you are going to bring food for me."
"Wait a minute. Let me arrange the good ." I went towards the table and arranged food for everyone. I gave a plate to both of them and as usual Adi was all praises but I was waiting for someone else's. He didn't say anything but finished his entire plate and asked for second serving also. I expected that but still tiny of bit of me also expected that he will compliment. While me and Adi where chatting the entire time we where about whatever was coming to our minds.

After finishing his lunch Adi left. Again I became alone with this brooding man. I don't know what to do now. I won't try talking to him. My ego and self respect won't allow that. I am not a person who talks non stop but still staying like this so irritating especially if the other person in the room is acting like this.
There was a knock on the door and a nurse came in which was different from the other one who came before.
"Sorry to disturb ma'am it's time to give medicines" she said.
"Give it to him and water is kept in the jug near to his bed." I said politely. I hate it when someone disrespect these people. They work so hard for your well-being and at the end they hear rubbish from your mouth. It's so unfair.
After giving him medicines she was looking at me.
"Is there any problem?"
"No ma'am, it's that I know you."
"But how? Sorry I don't remember seeing you."
"Ma'am you haven't seen me directly, I have seen your pictures from my brother. Do you remember Amith who studied with you in your high school?"
"Of course!! How can I forget him. I do remember after finishing high school you all shifted here and I couldn't keep in contact with him. You are his baby sister right ?" Amith was my best friend in school. I was mad at him for leaving our native after school that's I stopped talking to him. He also didn't tried to contact me. So while running behind life those and memories and person was left behind but not forgotten. I was so immature during those days.
"Yes ma'am. You know me ?"
" I know you very nicely Akita and all your mischiefs. Whenever we both used to talk you where our main topic. And stop calling me ma'am. Call di or Dhwani whatever you are comfortable with."
"Di is fine. If bhai gets to know that I called your name then he will be mad at me."
"Typical Amith." At this both of us laughed. This chit chat wasn't liked by someone because we both heard a groaning sound from the bed which wasn't out of pain but irritation.
"Let's go out of the room and talk." I told her and left the room.

Vansh's Pov
What was I thinking when I driving so rashly? If I would have been a bit careful then I wouldn't be suffering like this. If not for the accident I wouldn't have to see her 24/7. At home it was easy to behave as someone like her didn't exist. But here I can't do that because all my needs are taken care by her only. I can't avoid her when she is so helpful. She even bought me proper food which I craving for so badly. More than that she saved me from that girl also. I m very thankful to her for all the things she had done for me.  I would thank her also. I am not an insensitive jerk to not to acknowledge someone's efforts. My mother has raised me better than that. If she gets to know about how I am behave with her then I am dead. 
The main problem here is that the amount of hate I am having for her is reducing day by day and I don't want that. She's playing with my head. And I can't believe how easily she befriended Adi. It was very difficult to make him friends with us. He was very closed off kind. It took a lot of time to open him up with all of us in school and here she did it in just few days. Maybe her food is having some magic. It was so tasty like my mom's food. But I am not going to tell her this.
Now who is this Amith guy about whom that nurse and she was talking about. Is that an ex-boyfriend alert or something. She is so beautiful of course she will be having so many boyfriends.
Woah what am I even thinking about?She and beautiful no way. This is the side effect of staying with her. I have started speaking nonsense. I mean thinking because here no is there to talk and my dear friend is so busy with chatting with my wife that he forgot who is his best friend. Let others come beta then I will take your class. They are out of station as of now because those idiots went to have a vacation. Me and Adi where going to join them late because we had some works. But all plans became flop because of my accident. Now even they have cancelled their trip and is coming back today. I am sure that those idiots will be here first thing in tomorrow morning. I was so happy in my life, enjoying it to the fullest with my friends but then the marriage happened that too without my wish. Now there is no use of thinking about all those things.
Now I just want to get well soon and go back to how it was before the accident happened. Otherwise I will finally accept that she isn't evil or bad as I have framed her in my mind.

Hello everyone,
Sorry for the late update. I was having exams and later I wasn't able to write anything.
Thank you everyone for your love and support. It means a lot to me.

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