A new friend

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Dhwani's POV

Day 2 in hospital

This man shows more tantrums than a kid. He has complaints with everything. His big fat egoistic ass won't allow him to accept anything without an argument. I can understand that hospital food is bad but at least he can adjust for few days right. Nah this Sir wants to fight and argue in everything. I am fed up with him.

Was he always like this or is he like this with only me? Even after literally living with this man for two years I don't know him at all. Well to know a person they should communicate with each other. Which we didn't till now. Sticky notes on fridge is only way we talk if any important thing pops up. I don't even know when he comes home  and goes. I stopped keeping a eye on him from our first month anniversary onwards. That day was the first day when  I regretted marrying him because he bought another women to our house. I cried a lot that day, till then I thought the silence between us might be the starting trouble.

Ours was an arranged marriage so it was ok. Next day on breakfast table I kept a note saying that he can do whatever he wants but outside the house not inside. He read the note and mumbled an okay and left. There onwards those notes became our mode of communication.

Now being in same space with him is making uncomfortable as I don't know how to behave in front of him. Surprisingly Aditya or Adi as he asked to call him is very understanding and friendly which is a bit helpful for me to be here. He liked food prepared by me. I didn't even know how to cook before marriage. After marriage in order to impress my brooding husband I surfed cooking channels in YouTube and along with my Ma's instructions I started cooking. During initial days it tasted like a crap but later on I got knack of it and did it nicely. Now I have reached the level of I can survive with this kind of cooking. The one for whom I learned cooking never touched anything made by me. After a certain point I also stopped doing things for him.

A loud voice of something falling made me look towards the source of the noise. The tray which contains the medicines fell down because of his hand movements what was he trying to do actually?

"Don't move your hands one is broken and other is sprained, so tell me If you want something." I told him. I saw him muttering something under his breath but didn't say it loudly, might be cursing which he does always. Such potty mouth he has!

"Where is my phone ?" He finally opened his mouth.

"I was informed only your wallet was there with you. So I don't know about your mobile." I informed him.

"Shit it might be in the car only. Give me your phone." He mumbled that first part to himself and second to me.

"Excuse me."

"You are excused. Now give me your phone. I have few calls to make." He was supposed to ask for phone not order it still I gave him my phone after unlocking it.

For next half an hour he called few people and I sat there watching him. I didn't have anything else to do that's why. I just realised that he is very handsome even though his character is utter trash. After his phone calls he gave me back my phone without a thanks. I shouldn't have given him my phone at all. Ungrateful idiot.

One hour later somebody knocked the room door giving me a reason to get up from the couch. When I opened the door I saw a familiar face which I often sees with Vansh.

"Good evening ma'am." That man smiled at me and gestured to allow him inside.

Wishing him back I moved inside the room so he could enter inside. Soon they both started talking about business which was so boring. I got to know that the man who came was Rahul Ahuja his secretory. Strange I thought he will be having a lady secretory like the usual. But here he scored one. Not bad Vansh Singhania.

Rahul even gave him a brand new iPhone. Now that he has his own so he won't be asking for mine. They were still discussing something which I didn't pay attention at all. Suddenly somebody barged inside the room making all of us turn towards the intruder which was none other than Adi. When he saw Rahul he came towards the couch where I was sitting and plopped down beside me.

"When did the manual robot came?" He asked while grabbing the water bottle kept on the table.

"Manual  robot ?" I asked him incredulously.

"My dear new friend the guy sitting over there who works for your husband is the manual robot." He said with a fake seriousness making me laugh at him tone.

"Seriously manual robot"

"Seriously yes. He does everything the other asshole says. Works according to his every wimps. Exception to the original robot is that this one breathes." His explained to me making me laugh. This made the other two persons in the room turn towards us. Vansh was glaring at for us for disturbing his important talk. I quickly apologised to them.

"By the way Dhwani what do you do?" He asked me.

"I am a food inspector." He didn't know about my profession.

"Woah that's so nice that too at such a young age." He was surprised.

"I am 25 already it's not young age. And thanks." I became shy all of sudden due to his compliment.

"But still that was shocker I didn't expect that. Sorry but I thought that you might be sitting at home always." He said sheepishly.

"That's because I am 10 to 5 employee unlike you people and I get all government holidays." I explained him.

"Aren't you full of surprises Mrs Dhwani Singhania?" He playfully nudged me.

"That's because you don't know me." I replied in a equally playful way.

It was so easy to talk with him. We sometime feels a special kind of spark with some people instantly. I felt that with him. Now I can say that we are friends. In these thoughts I didn't realise a strong gaze on us.

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