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Dhwani's pov:

Am I doing something wrong? That is the only thought running in mind now. The way Ma had reacted have made me rethink about my decision. I would be blamed, I would be called names, I would be mocking character in front of others. But does it matter? I don't think so. If I can survive till now, I will survive this also. I have father, my pillar with me. All other's opinion doesn't effect me in any way.

I was in my thoughts when I heard the calling bell rang . I didn't bother to go and see who it was as there will be someone downstairs. What I didn't expect was someone knocking my room?

I went and opened the door to see that it was Vansh's mother. What is she doing here?

"Can I come in?" She asked me seeing my shocked face.

I nodded in hurry. I didn't want to talk to anyone right now, but I don't want to be rude with her. They all will try to change my decision which I don't want to.

"I don't know how am I supposed to ask your forgiveness for what my son and my husband has done to you." She told me guiltily.

"You don't have to." I told her.

"I have to. You know it's not just his fault that all this happened. It is our fault also. As his parents we were never there for him physically. We were busy creating a better future for our kids. In between of that I have neglected Vansh unknowingly. It was his grandparents who took care of him while we were away from home. They were his everything. Instead of coming to me to share his stories and problems he used to run to his Dadi. We never realized that we were ignoring our kid and how much impact it will have on him. For him we were just guest who comes once in a while to give him gifts. When our business became stable we went to take him with us. But he didn't want to come with us leaving his grandparents, so we asked them to come with us. But they don't want to leave their home and stay in some unknown place, where we will be busy with our lives and they don't want to burden us." She paused.

"Somehow we managed to take Vansh with us, but wasn't the same naughty chirpy kid anymore. He stopped interacting with us unless it is necessary. He became so silent and withdrawn from everything. What else can you expect from an eight year old boy. The only time he talked and smiled wholeheartedly is when he talks to his grandparents. That's only time I saw my son happy. That's when Vedika came into our life. Vansh was fascinated with my growing stomach and he started interacting with me, he was still mad at his father. Vedika gave me my son back. He was so protective of her, he still his. Slowly he became close to us, but still his grandparents were his number one priority. While growing up he asked them many times to come and stay with us. But they said that they will come Vansh makes his own home and they will come and stay with him. They didn't like me much because I wasn't their choice and I didn't get a chance to make them like me also. When they told Vansh about their wish he started working hard. He worked hard really hard to reach where he is today, but before he fulfil their dream they passed away in tragic accident. It completely broke him and became someone else. He started drinking, going on dangerous trips and what not. But never stopped working for the company. When his unholy ways became way too much for us to tolerate we thought that if a nice girl comes to his life he will change." She said making me frown.

Was I experiment for them to try on their son? Anyways it resulted badly. 

"That's when Vedika wanted to go abroad and we couldn't let her go alone, so we planned to get Vansh married so that he won't be alone. We thought that once he gets married he will leave all his bad habits and will learn to be responsible because there will be someone in his life to take care." She said guiltily.

"Ma, you shouldn't have done that." I told her.

"I know. Somehow Samrat made Vansh agreed to get married to you. I swear I didn't know how he made him agree. If I had I known before itself then I wouldn't have let this happen. I would never hurt my son like this, when we have already hurt him in the past by separating him from his grandparents like that." She said.

"But, what was my mistake in all these things Ma?" I asked her.

"Unknowingly you became the scapegoat in all these things. I am not telling you all these things so that you forgive him and get back with him. But I am telling you all these to understand his state of mind. Whatever he did is wrong and I completely agree with your stand. But I wanted you to know he did all these things. He was blackmailed by his father using the property papers of his childhood home. Samrat knew how much attached was Vansh to that place and he used it in his benefit just like the shrewd businessman he is. Vansh would lose that property along with the company if he didn't stay married to for at least a time period of 3 years. But he forgot mention that Vansh should keep you happy." She paused to give a dejected chuckle.

"I don't know how was your married life but I am sure that these two years you both weren't happy. For our selfish motives we spoiled both of yours lives. I am ashamed of how my son had behaved with you and for all those things you had to go through. It would be insulting to ask for your forgiveness for what we have done to you." She took my hands and kept a envelope in it.

I opened it to see that it was divorce papers signed by both of us. So, finally he signed huh! I don't know how I am supposed to act now. Should I be happy or sad? 

"This is the only the thing I can do for you to lessen the pain we have caused you. I am sorry that we had to end our relationship like this. I always saw you like my own daughter. Its a request from a mother don't hate us and if possible forgive us someday." She said while folding her hands in front of me.

"Ma, what are you doing?" I lowered her hands and told her.

"I wish that  you get all the happiness you were deprived of and an-d..." She couldn't complete her sentence because of the tears which were flowing uncontrollably her eyes.

"May god bless you." She while keeping her hand on my head and left immediately. 

So, is this the end of everything? Is it ending here? I think so. This realization brought tears in my eyes. How I am going to face everything now? Will I be able to face it? So many questions without answers were roaming in front of eyes and I sat there clueless holding the divorce papers in my hands and tears in eyes. 


This will be the end of the first phase of the book. 

From next chapter onwards a new journey will begin for both Vansh and Dhwani. How do you want it? 

I am very late this time for that I am apologizing from bottom of heart. I hope that everyone give their love and support as you given before. 

Pls vote, comment and share. 

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