Locked door

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Dhwani's Pov:
We both went of the room and talked in the corridor. As it is VIP area there is no one around so we have enough privacy.
"What's Amith doing now ?" I wanted to know what was he doing now in his life.
"He is a police officer."
"Wow, that's shocking he and police." I exclaimed.
"Even we where shocked when bhai said that he want to be in police."
"I have never expected him to be a police officer." This was really a shocking news for me because that guy was not at all a serious one. He was always careless, funny and least bothered about thing kind of guy during school days. Well people change with time, so he also might have changed.
"I will tell bhai that I saw you here. He will so happy to see you again." She said excitedly.
"No no don't do that. Let's give him a surprise. When will he be free?"
"I don't know when he will be free but yeah sometimes if doesn't have so much of work then he used to come to pick me up."
"That's great give me your number, I will give a ring to yours. And inform me when he will come."
"Ok sure di." After giving me her number she left from there as she have to continue her duty.
Then I went back to room and sat in the couch. I have bought some books with me so that I can read them while sitting here. Vansh was doing something in tab and was simultaneously talking in his phone. This guy !!!! Even in hospital bed he have to work. Can't he take some rest? Doesn't he know that he is physically weak. Why am I even thinking about him? Let him be.
"Hey, open the door." Vansh literally screamed. I was so into my reading that I failed to notice that someone was knocking the door and by mistake I have locked it from inside also.
I said a sorry and went towards the door and opened. It was doctor uncle. He is Vansh's family doctor so I know him.
"I hope you guys weren't doing something funny in this state." He asked him with a mischievous smile.
"What? No!" We both literally screamed. I could feel my cheeks heating up.
"Vansh I know that you are having a beautiful wife but you can't strain your body right now."
"Uncle please stop it." Vansh said in an embarrassed tone.
"Yes uncle I just locked the door by mistake and I was so into reading my book that I didn't hear the knock. We weren't doing anything." I tried to explain.
"Even if you were doing something it's fine,you guys are married couple and I was just pulling your legs kid." I don't know why did I gave so much of explanation.
"Leave all those things, tell me Vansh how do feel now?" He turned towards Vansh and asked.
"Except pain sometimes I am fine. Left hand is also kind of fine now."
"Yeah your left hand wasn't much effected just a sprain so it would be fine soon. Are you taking your medicines on time?"
"Yes, Uncle I want to home. You know right I don't like to be in hospital for a long time." Vansh literally pleaded to him.
"If you wanted to sit at home then you should have been careful while driving. You weren't drunk and as far as I know you are one the best driver among those idiots. Then what happened?" I also wanted to know how did his accident occurred.
"I don't know what happened at that time uncle, everything was so sudden I couldn't do anything."
"Anyways you have to be here for at least four more days and Police will be coming over tomorrow to take your statement. I have delayed them because of your condition. Now I think you are fine to give your statement."
"Ok uncle. But why four days? I will taking rest at home also. So what is the difference?" Is this guy mad? Can't he see himself!
"I am one who is having degree here. So I know what to do and you listen to me otherwise you can talk to your parents." He said in a warning tone which I liked.
"Uncle don't be like this. She is there right, she will take care of me properly." He said pointing towards me. I was like what?
"Let me think about it but now I have to leave. Take care both of you and don't trouble her too much." Uncle said looking at his watch and then towards us.
"Yeah uncle" I told him with a smile. Vansh was again silent.
As soon as uncle left I felt him glaring towards me.
"What ?" I couldn't help but ask. His glare is making me uncomfortable.
"It's all your fault." He said pointing his index finger towards me.
"What did I do ?"
"Why did you lock the door?"
"That was by mistake, I didn't intentionally locked it so that he could misunderstand."
"Whatever." He is impossible. Doesn't he have common sense to understand that it was by mistake. Otherwise why would I lock the door. If I am thinking about this person then I will go mad.

Soon it was night and time to sleep. After giving medicines to Vansh I was arranging my bed when I heard him calling me.
"What happened?" I asked him.
"I want to use washroom."
"Wait a minute,let me call someone." Every time he wanted to use washroom I used to call ward boy. I went outside looked for someone but didn't find anyone. I went back to room said the same to him also.
"Do one thing you help me." What? Is he serious? How will I carry him till washroom? He even looks heavy.
"But how can I ?"
"Just help me already, it's urgent." He said in rushed tone.
"Ok wait." I went towards his bed and made him sit by holding his left hand. He tried to get up but groaned out loud when he put pressure on his right leg.
"Don't hurry do it slowly. I am holding your waist."I told him in a worried tone. I went towards his side and coiled my hand around his torso and lifted him up. Then slowly we both started to walk towards washroom. In between I didn't notice when his hand went around my waist. I realised it only when it started tightening around me and I don't think he also noticed it. Somehow we reached the toilet seat. I made him sit there and looked at him.
"What are you looking at, do you want to see me peeing?"
"What? No!!!"
"Then go out." He literally shouted.
Shit I was just looking at him to check whether he was ok or not. There was no need to shout. Ungrateful idiot.
After finishing his business he called me inside, then slowly we went to back to room and I helped to him to lay back on bed. On instinct I arranged pillow under his hand and leg and covered him with blanket till his neck. All this time he was looking at me intently. Mumbling a good night I literally ran towards the switch board and turned off all lights and laid down on my bed cum couch. Phew what a day it was.

Hope that you guys will enjoy this chapter.
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