What again?

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Dhwani's POV:

Once again I am standing in front of him. All these months I tried avoiding all those people and places where I will have to see him. I made myself busy with my office and dance classes. I rejoined my dance classes which I have stopped after twelfth. My dad didn't like me making myself a career in dancing. So had to drop it and prepare for competitive exams as per his wish. He was happy that way and I was happy in his happiness. Now that I gave him what he wanted I wanted to find my happiness. I don't know what I want anymore.

I tried hating Vansh a lot but those few good memories of being with him is making it difficult. He never mistreated me or physically hurt me at all. But he never cared too. I don't hate him but I don't know whether I can stay with him after knowing that he was with me just for the properties. Am I that worthless?

His continuous stares was making difficult to not to look at him.  And I looked at him here goes all my prep talks and resolve to hate him, which no matter what is going to happen. God I am so pathetic. Don't look at me like that Vansh. Please don't make me weak. Without greeting him I sat at corner.

"Dhwani-;" he was going to say something when the attender came and called us in.

"Please take a seat both you." Said the judge which we both followed and sat in the chairs placed in front of her.

"So Mr and Mrs Singhania how are you both doing?" She asked us.

"It's Vansh." "Dhwani ma'am." We said together making us look at each other. We didn't know we were staring at each other until she cleared her throat making us embarrassed.

"Vansh and Dhwani I hope you both have attended the counselling sessions. What have you decided? Do you want to go ahead with the decision of divorce." She asked us making me numb. Did I want to go ahead with this decision or not?

"Ma'am even though I have signed the mutual consent for divorce I no longer want to go ahead with the divorce. At that time I thought after all I have done to her I should let her go and be happy in her life. But I want be her happiness. I want to be her strength and ask forgiveness for what I have done throughout our lives together if she is willing to give me a chance. I am not ready to let her go without even trying, I want to hold on to that little bit of hope left for us." Vansh said shocking me. So he know how to talk normally also?

To say that I was shocked would be understatement, I was bewildered. He wants to stay with me? What is he playing at? Did his father force him again? I don't think he would that again. Then what might be the reason. There is no way he would feel anything for me. Then why?

"Dhwani what do you want to say on this?" The judge asked me making startled.

"I... I... I don't know ma'am. He might be forced to stay with me or something. And I want to be with someone who doesn't want me." I said. 

"No ma'am, whatever I said just now, I said in my sane mind without any force or compulsion. I want my marriage with Dhwani to work. I want to fight for my love and wife. I no longer give my consent for this mutual divorce." He said with determination. 

"Without the consent of both parties we can't grand the divorce and our system will only try to protect the relations than breaking them. So as per the testimony given by Mr Vansh, he doesn't want the divorce. What is your opinion Mrs Dhwani?" The judge asked me seriously.

"Ma'am, I don't think that our relationship is going to work. It started with hate, misunderstandings and force. Even though I tried to bridge the gaps nothing worked out. He stayed with me only for his company. There is no other reason for him to stay in this marriage. As for me I wanted this relationship to work out because I valued this relationship, this bond. But he played with this relationship till the point that I no longer believe in this. I don't think I will be able to believe in this anymore." I told her. I don't know how I told all this without breaking down. 

"Did he ever raised his hands on you?" She asked.

"No ma'am, he never raised his hands on me. In fact he didn't even talked to be a rude way. But he never cared whether I am there or not. I was all alone in this relationship and just for some properties I don't want anyone to stay me anymore. I am more than fine being alone." I told her.

"Ma'am I don't want stay with her properties or anything as a matter of fact. I want stay her with because I love my wife. If she wants I can leave everything behind just so that I can stay with her. That's all I need ma'am." He said making me mad.

"Stop lying Vansh. Don't do this please." I told him. Tears were forming my eyes. 

"Excuse me." The judge interpreted our heated eye lock. 

"Listen to me both you, as I have heard both of yours's side I came into conclusion that, you both need time to sort the differences. So the court is ordering you both to stay together for six months and work on your relationship. Even after the six months is completed, if the issues cannot be resolved then we will proceed with the divorce." She said and signed the documents. 

Is this really happening? Or am I dreaming? Help me dear god! And then everything went blank. 


I am so sorry for making this much delay in updating. Please forgive me, I got busy with life and the writers block. Now hopefully I will be updating once or twice in a week. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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