Hoping impossible?

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Vansh's POV:

"So Mr. Vansh, tell me why did you decide to come here?" She asked me making me think why did I even come here. I am sitting in front of a psychologist.

"I don't know." I said.

"Mr. Vansh, you need to be honest and open up here so that I can help you with whatever issues you are having in your life. Nidhi have just told me that you are her friend and there is some issues going on in your life." She said.

"You can call me Vansh." I told her.

"Okay Vansh. Let's start then." Saying this she asked me few questions and patiently waited for my answers.

"Now, I think that's enough for today. I can clearly see that you are not ready to open up with a stranger in a short span of time. So we can continue this next time if you are coming again." She said with a smile.

I gave her a curt nod and left from there. Why did I even come here? It's all because of Nidhi, but somewhere I also want to.

Dhwani has unknowingly became my everything and I can't lose her like this. But this time no games and plays. I don't want to do that with her again. This time it should be with her own wish. Not because of my wish. But will this be possible?

Today is first day of our marriage counselling. When we had our first divorce hearing she didn't even bother to look at my face. Not even a glance. And it had hurt a lot. I know that I deserve this but this shit is hurting. If I go and talk to her then what should I say? Will she even listen to me? I don't think so.

How should I repent for my past mistakes? I need her back but I don't what to do? I am sitting in front of the office of the marriage counsellor. She isn't here yet. There was a woman sitting next to me who was very tensed and sweating badly.

I took out my hand kerchief and offered it to her.

"Thank you." She said timidly and took the piece of cloth from my hand.

"Are you Ok?" I asked her seeing the way she is.

"Ye-ah! Actually no, I am scared." She said shakily.

"Why?" I don't know why even I am talking to a stranger like this.

"My husband— he is abusive and don't trust me at all. He started suspecting me even before we got married. I know if I had known his character even before getting married I shouldn't have gotten married in the first place. But I couldn't say no because of my family. They were so happy with my marriage happening with a guy like him. He is well educated, have a good job and a good family also. All check lists ticked. Soon after marriage he started beating me even for a small mistake. I didn't say anything to anyone because I didn't want to hurt them. I thought he will get better but instead he got worse. I stayed with him like a slave till I lost my baby. After that I couldn't stay with him anymore and left him. I thought my parents will support me but he have manipulated them and had put all the blames on me. My parents whom I love more than anything is disappointed with me and is not even talking properly. That man he is a monster I don't know what he is going to do court today. He is going to say all worst possible lies in court so that he maintain his good man image and I don't have anyone to support me." She told me while crying. 

"What do you do for living? Do you have any job?" I asked her.

"I am searching for a proper job. I have a degree but with no experience I am getting anything. I am living with my parents now but I want to move out. I don't know whether it will possible or not." She told with a sad smile.

"Here, this is my card. We are actually recruiting freshers for job, if HR finds your resume impressive you can get a job there. Address is mentioned there." I told her.

"Oh no no sir, I didn't tell all this so that you help me. I was very anxious and I wanted to share my worries with someone. That's
I talked  to you." She said.

"Don't worry I am not doing you any favour. Even I have a sister of your age and I will kill that person who will lay hand on her." I told her.

"You seems a very nice person sir." She told with a smile.

"You have completely made a wrong image of me. I am far from good. If it was the case then I would have not been here. Even though I am not as bad as your husband, I have hurt my wife in worst possible way for which she might never forgive me. But she means everything to me now." I told her with a lost look.

"Try harder sit, what if she also feels the same and you guys may patch up." She tried to give some hope.

"I don't she will let me in now. But I won't stop trying until my last breath." I told her with determination.

I know that I have done many mistakes in our marriage and one of the grave mistake was cheating her. I don't deserve her forgiveness for that but still I will try my everything. I want to see the that look in your eyes which I lost the liberty to. I want to be your support system. I want to be your happiness. Because mine is already you. Will this become a reality or just my unfulfilled wish?


I am so sorry my dear readers for this much delay. So many things happened in my life because of which I couldn't write at all. I won't promise that I will give regular updates but I promise that I won't abandon my works and will give updates for sure.

With love

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