Weird man

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Vansh's Pov:

"Poor girl slept already. Must be very tired that she slept like this." Ma with a smile.

"Yeah she looks worn out." Her mother voiced out.

"I told you Sandhya that my son shows so many tantrums that she is tired after all those." My mother said seriously.

"What? I don't show any tantrums Ma." Seriously I don't.

"And pigs fly. I have made you. So I know how you are." Our mothers are actually something else.

"She always skips her meals when she is in tension. Now are you not well so she will be tensed and might not have taken her meals on time. So that might be the reason for the tiredness." Her mother said. I have never noticed her eating habits. Now I have to make sure that she eats properly. That girl looks like a unhealthy person.

"I will take care of it aunty don't worry." I assured her.

"I know you both have been together for almost two years and you might have known all these things about her but still a mother's heart always worry about her kids well-being." Aunty said.

"I am sorry that I couldn't be there with her in those initial days where she needed a mother's support." Ma said to aunty.

They started their emotional talking making me awkward. I am not good with these and don't know how to reply them.

"Ladies she is sleeping so I will call you tomorrow." I told them so that the noise won't be disturbing her sleep.

"Wow, I didn't know that my is so caring." My mother gushed making me groan. Why does she have to make fun of me every time?

"Mom, Stop it! I going to cut the call. Good night to both of you."

"Take care both of you."They said and cut the call.

Finally, it was so awkward to talk to her mother. I didn't know what to say. What if she ask me anything about her daughter? I don't know anything about her.

How peacefully she is sleeping on me? She's looking so cute like a baby. Here I am comparing her with a baby and mentally imagining doing dirty things to her. What would she do once she gets to know about my thoughts about her? I want to see that soon.

I gently stroked her face. It is so soft. I feel like taking bite. And her lips, damn it will be death of me.
When did I become such a pervert. Thinking about a sleeping girl like this. I would be lying if I say that I have never lusted over some girl. But none of those where like this. This is much intense thoughts and feelings. Maybe because she is legally mine.

If I stare too much at her sleeping face then I might do something which she won't like. So it's better I sleep now. Otherwise it would be very much difficult for me in this situation to have a cold shower.

I just pulled her little more towards me and now her head is on my chest. Holding her close I also slept soon.

Dhwani's Pov:

Didn't I sleep yesterday? I feel like I woke up too soon. I don't even remember closing my eyes. I just slept like that. I didn't know I was this tired. From when did my bed become so warm and curved. I can feel many contours. When I tried to move I was stuck. There was something on my bare waist holding me back.

Ok, what is happening? I think I should open my eyes. Oh no!! I slept on him? What was I thinking yesterday? Who sleeps like this?

I am literally sleeping on him. My left hand is around his waist and my leg is also circled around his legs. How could I be like this? I should have at least thought that he is a injured man. Wait how come his hand is on my bare waist? His hands feel weird on my body. I could feel the blood rush in my face.

Oh god, how could I embarrass myself like this. What he must be thinking about me? He must be thinking that I am taking advantage of the situation. No, no before he wakes up I have to get up and get out of here.

Thankfully without disturbing his I was able to get out of the bed. Mission accomplished!! If I don't rush now then I will be late today. As I am joining back on duty I have to arrange everything and go. I will just have to breakfast and uncle will be managing lunch.

I went to washroom and did morning chores. Then prepared breakfast and took shower and got ready for office. By now Vansh would have woke up. I took my comb and kept in my pocket and rushed towards his room.

Thankfully he was awake. As I was getting late I didn't get time to ponder on how much I have embarrassed myself and for a change he also didn't say anything.

"Good morning, I will help you to washroom." I told him. He just nodded. Rude! Nevertheless I helped him to washroom. This man is so heavy and warm. Why is he so silent today? As if he is talkative normally. That's also true.

"Call me when you are done, I will outside." He nodded again. What did I do now?

I went outside and tied my hair. It's once hell of task. My most time is wasted in this task. Once it's done I wore Kajal and lipstick. I look presentable now.

I went and knocked on bathroom door and asked whether he is done or not.

"No, give me five more minutes." He replied. By the time he is washroom I will bring his breakfast. I went to kitchen and bought him food and kept it in the coffee table.

I was arranging the bed when I heard him calling me. I knocked the door and went inside.

Woah why did he remove his T-shirt? His unshaved face and T-shirt less body together is giving him a hot look. I just hope that he didn't notice me staring at him like.

I took hold of him left, the hand which around me yesterday. Dhwani stop thinking about that. I helped him to bed and gave him food.

"Vansh, I have kept medicines in tray, have it after your breakfast. Take your medicines on time without any fail. Uncle will bring it on time. If you have any discomfort or something call me asap, I mean call anyone." All these while he was just staring at me blankly.

"Where are you going?" He asked after a long pause.

"I am going for work." I told him doubtfully. After that he didn't say anything. Does that mean I can go? God knows what's in this man's head! After saying a bye I went to office.


Sorry everyone for being this late. I couldn't reply to all your comments. I promise that I won't be this late next time.

Any ideas for our Vansh and Dhwani's valentines celebration?

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