Three months

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Dhwani's pov:

I was in a warm cocoon. Where am I? Last thing I remember is travelling in car then how come I am laying down now. This made me open my eyes in fright. I was in Vansh's room. Did I sleep that long? It's already morning. I tried to push his hands of me but how can I remove his hulk like hand in one try. I tried again and again till he woke up.

"Why the hell are pushing me like this?" He grumbled.

"It should have been at its place." I told him angrily. Nowadays he has taken me for granted. He come and touch me whenever he wants.

"Let me sleep woman." He groaned and took his hands of me thankfully.

I quickly got up from his bed and literally ran towards my room. Enough is enough. Today I have to talk to him no matter what. The divorce matter is stretching too much. As far as I know he also don't what this relation then why in the hell he is acting like this.

I quickly did all my work and left for office. Nowadays that is only place where I feel at ease. I don't have to pretend there, I can be my own self. Even though most of my colleagues are elder to me but still we all bond very well. I could hear different types of stories, gossips and can taste many varieties of food also. They all take care of me like I am some kid. They taught me everything like how the system works and how to behave  when we are in field and all.

Today we had a field visit. It took a lot of time to wind it up, so I am bit late than usual. I have got another copy of divorce petition because I don't know what Vansh did with the other one which my lawyer had send to his office.

On the way I bought some vegetables and other necessary things for home. I bought some samosas too. It was tempting me so much that I couldn't control myself. For a change Vansh reached before me. I could see his car in the porch.

I opened the door to see that it's very dark inside. I switched on the lights and got scared. He was sitting the living area and doing something in the phone. Who sits in the dark like this?

"You are late." He said without taking his eyes from his phone.

"I Know." I replied back with a sigh.

I kept all things in kitchen and went to my room to take quick shower. After freshening up I went to kitchen and made tea for him and coffee for me. I know he will drink it so didn't bother to ask. I have brought extra samosas also so I will give him too.

Stop lying to yourself you bought it for him only.Otherwise why would you buy these many. You hardly eat two or three. I didn't realize that subconsciously I am doing things for him. Why I am like this? I don't have time to think on this. I have to talk to him. This is urgent.

I went to living room and kept everything on the coffee table. I have bought those papers also.

"Here is your tea." I told him.

"For me?" He asked with a shocked face.

"Is there anyone else here?" I asked him.

"Nope." He said with a grin and kept his phone on the table before taking the cup. It wasn't locked so I saw what he was doing. He was freaking playing some game in his phone all this time. Wow, that's new.

He started munching on samosas like he has never had it before. He eats like kid. I was waiting for him to finish eating so that I can talk to him.

"So, what's up?" He asked me.

"I want to talk to you." I told him. I don't know how to start things.

"Thought so." He said while sipping his tea.

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