Mighty fall

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Dhwani's Pov:

When you are busy time runs so fast. It's been a month already. And I didn't realised it. It was a hectic and out of the routine month. Many things changed in past month. Now I am not scared of that 6 feet man anymore. And I realised that he is not that bad. He is just short tempered and broody man. Otherwise he is good. Thank goodness that now he started to talk like a normal human being rather than shouting the whole time.

I have learned many things about him in these days. If I am feeding him with my hands then he will eat everything otherwise he will selectively remove everything which he doesn't like. He became friendly now and he behaves nicely to me. His friends became much closer to me, especially Nidhi and Advik's wife. I wasn't knowing that he was married. But one they all came home to meet Vansh. I was really surprised to know that he is not only married but is having twin boys. They aren't identical though, but were very cute. That I realised that Vansh is very good with kids. He would be a good father. What am I talking about?

It's a Sunday today and as it's a holiday I have many things to do in my room. Like folding clothes arranging everything properly. But being in the same vicinity of Vansh Singhania you won't be able to complete your work in time. He have screamed my name at least 5 times in past one hour that to for lame reasons.

Now again he is doing the same. What I am gonna do with this guy? As I entered his room I saw him trying to get down from his bed. I walked faster and tried to hold him but I don't know what happened but his legs slipped and was going to fall down. I tried to help him but he is heavy and the sudden fall didn't help much. He tried balancing himself by grabbing me. Thankfully we both did fall down. He was able to stable himself by holding me. Whew that was so close.

I didn't realise where his hands were until I felt a squeeze over there and my eyes widened at realisation.

"Vansh, what are you doing?" I literally screamed at him.

"It is so soft." He said as if he was in a trance.

"Take your hands of me." I screamed at him. His hand was on my breasts and he was umm squeezing that. What was he doing? I couldn't be more embarrassed. Both of our faces were red.

"Huh, ah, sorry, but it is so soft." He said that again making my face redden more at his comment.

"Vansh, Stop it." I was so embarrassed that I couldn't look at his eyes.

"Ok, Ok." He said raising his hands in upward direction as showing a surrendering sign.

I can't stay here anymore, I just turned back and was going run out of this room. As  I was calculating my moves in my mind  I felt a tug. He was pulling my hand. I twisted my heads sideway and raised my eyebrows as questioning him what?

"I want to go downstairs." That's why he called me. He can walk now. Doctor have asked him walk for sometime but not by tiring himself.  He was have a walking stick also but he seldom uses it. But while climbing stairs he need somebody's help. Oh that might be the reason he called me.

I went near him and looped my hand around his waist and he put his hand on my shoulder. This was how we used to walk these days so we both know the drill. As soon his hands touched my shoulders I felt like I was being pulled more towards his side.

He never once tried to misbehave or get over touchy with me, he was always in his limits even though there were my situations in which we had to be very close to each other. So it might be my overthinking.

Anyways I helped him down the stairs. Why does his touch feels like burning one today? What changed? Or am I over thinking? As soon as we reached we reached the living room, I made him sit on the sofa and maintained a distance from him. All those things happened today is making me nervous and embarrassed. I need to go away from here, from his that look. It's doing something wrong to me.

"I will be in my room, if you need anything call me." Saying this I literally ran from there to room. I closed the door of my room and leaned towards it. I sighed and looking at my rooms' condition I sighed again.

Get back to work Dhwani, there is no one do your things. Finish it off soon if you want to catch some sleep. After giving myself some pep talks I started my works again.

It was really hard not to think what happened today. I tried my level best but I still could feel the warmth of his hands over there till now. What the hell is happening with me? Why his touch is having so much effect on me? No, no. I don't want answers for this questions.

He is sitting so cooly over there then why are you making a big issue out of it? And moreover it was not intensional it was just an accident. Put that into your mind. He sees you as friend only and you also. He is just a FRIEND Dhwani!

This self talk helped a bit. I got back into folding my clothes. Only this work is left, lunch is already done. For evening I will take Vansh for walk, then we will have something from outside and will get dinner also. I am not in a mood to cook anything today and moreover he got green signal to have anything he wants. So outside food won't be an issue now.

Now only my works are left which I am very lazy to do but still have to do.


Sorry for the late update again.

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