Midnight adventures

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Dhwani's Pov:
I was sleeping so nicely when I heard thud sound from the room. That sound was enough to wake me up from my sleep. I was searching for the source of the sound it was from where the bed is. I got up from the bed and ran towards the bed.
"Vansh what happened are you ok?" I asked him worriedly.
"My head is hurting very badly." He said in a painful voice. Hearing that I took intercom and called the duty nurse. Soon after the call she came to the room.
"Sir, what happened?"
"His head is hurting badly." I didn't wait for him to reply. I was worried, that's why.
"I will ask doctor and give you a painkiller. Just wait for few minutes." Saying this she went outside. By the time I thought of massaging his head. It may help him a bit.
"Can I -um massage your head?" I asked him slowly. What if shout or something? But thankfully nothing happened he just nodded. I went behind the head side of the bed and started massaging his head gently.  Hardly five minutes later the nurse came and gave him medicines.
"If you have any problem then call me."I told him went toward the bed.
"Don't go and continue doing that." He said groggily. I was walking towards head side.
"Sit on my left side bed and do it." I think he is really sick. As told by him, I went and sat on his left side bed. This bed much more comfortable than that couch.
I continued massaging his head. His eyes are closed so I can look at his face without any fear of getting caught. I could see that his face is getting relaxed. Maybe his pain is subsiding.
I didn't realise how much time it has been since I started to give him massage until pain started shooting up through my hands. I was slowly getting up from the bed when he grabbed my hand. I thought he was awake but no he was still sleeping. I tried to remove his hands from me but I couldn't remove his hands from me. He slept so difficultly, so I didn't disturb him.
I don't why suddenly I feel like crying. Why did god made my life this? I just wanted a simple happy life. I have never asked for something extravagant. I would be lying if I say that I didn't have any dreams or concepts about my future husband and married life. Even though we didn't know each other much while getting married, I thought we will get to know each other after marriage and will be good friends. I tried many times even before marriage to talk to him but he had avoided me so skill fully. And me being a fool thought that he might be having starting trouble and will come around after marriage. I wanted to tell him about many things before getting married but he didn't give me any chance to do so.

I didn't say no to this proposal because I didn't want to hurt my father. He was so happy when Ma and Pa came to our home to ask my hand for his son. I trusted my father's choice because my superhero has always chosen the best for me except for my life partner. I have not even once told him about the truth of my marriage otherwise he would have blamed himself for my misery. I don't thing whatever happening is anyone's fault except mine. Maybe I haven't tried enough for this relationship or my efforts might be lacking somewhere. For me the important thing in any relationship is trust and loyalty. If these basic traits are not there in a relationship then what can love do here. I felt heart broken when I got to know that Vansh is cheating on me. Then I thought how come he is cheating on me if there is nothing between us other than a paper and few photos showing that we are married. I don't blame him also because nobody would like to get married by force. I got to know it about this on our first night. I still remember that night so vividly.

I was so anxious because I didn't know what was going to happen. I was happy and excited also because I was going to start a new phase in my life. I was making many scenarios in mind about what is going to happen today, what are we going to talk about and all. What if he wanted to get intimate today itself ? Oh god I am not prepared for that. I have heard that married couples straight away make love on their first night itself. But I will tell him straight way that I want time. I wanted us to get know each other before going to that stage. Hope that he will be ok with that.
It's already midnight and he is not here yet. What happened to him? Is he ok? Let me go and check myself.
I got up from the bed and walked towards the door. I was going to open the door when it suddenly got opened. I jumped backwards in fear. The door opened fully and a drunk Vansh came inside. He was stumbling while walking so I went towards him and took hold of his hand to help him to walk. As soon I as touched him, he pushed and I almost fell down if not for the couch.
"Don't you dare to touch me or come close to me. I hate you more than anything." He snarled at me. I was beyond shocked to hear these hateful words from him. I wasn't expecting this.
"I am sorry." I didn't know why I said sorry.
"You are sorry? Sorry for what huh ? For spoiling my life or for the fact that I have to see your ugly face everyday?" He spoke so hatefully that it broke my heart into so many pieces. I was so shocked that nothing came out of my mouth.
"Never ever show your face to me. I even hate your shadow. After this day never enter this room again otherwise you will have to suffer the worst." He came near me and told. I just nodded because I didn't have anymore energy left in me to talk to him.
"And one more thing don't be in a delusion that I am going to love you or something one day. That day is never going to come because you are not the one I wished for but you are the who is forced upon me." That was like the last nail on the coffin. Then he peacefully slept in the bed while I sat in the couch crying till I slept.

Hello everyone,
How are you all ?
Hope that you guys will enjoy the chapter. Give me your suggestions.
Sry couldn't update sooner.
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