Good Bye

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Vansh's PoV:

Whole night I was sitting in front of her room. I know I messed up everything. I didn't wish everything to come out like. I don't know what am I going to do now. I am scared to face her. Her broken and tears face is still flashing in my eyes.

My phone was vibrating which I ignored till now. It again rang and I took it finally.

"What's it?" I asked the other person.

"Where are you sir? It's already late!" My secretary said worriedly from the other side.

"Why? What happened?" I asked him cluelessly.

"Sir, did you forgot the important client meeting scheduled today. We were preparing for this since a long time." He said.

"Shit, that was today." I said to myself.

"Can you please come fast. You have to review the presentation also?" He asked.

"Is there any chance that we can postpone this meeting?" I asked him.

I don't want to leave from here now. I have to talk to her at any cost.

"Sir, what are you talking about? It was very difficult to get this appointment now they won't give another one." He said.

Fuck my life! Why everything is happening like this?

"I will be there soon." I said and disconnected the call.

I don't have any other option than going.  I have never been in such an helpless situation before in my life.

I knocked her door and informed that about the situation. I didn't get any reply as expected but I am sure he must have heard me. I quickly got ready and went to office.

Dhwani's pov:

I always liked to sleep when I am too tensed and worried. But today I even sleep has abandoned me. I couldn't sleep properly for the whole night. I got up many times in the middle of night due different dreams or better to say nightmares.

I know that he was sitting outside my room and I don't want to see his face right now. I laid on the bed staring at nothing in particular. When he left from there I quietly got up from bed and went to washroom. I didn't dare to look at the mirror. I don't want to see myself like this.

I can't be weak like this, I have many things to do. I know what I have I to do now. That's leaving from here and his life. If I want to
move then I have to forgot all these things. I have to correct all of my mistakes.

With that determination I went outside washroom and looked at the room, where I stayed for all these years. I have became attached to this place even without realising.

I took my bag and filled few of my things which are important others can wait. I cleaned the room after I am done with my packing.

I have to finish something which was the reason for everything. I called a travel agency and arranged my ticket. Then I made another and call it was success. The thing I want will be here in one hour. I just hope that he doesn't come before that.

I cleaned everywhere I could in the meantime. I was feeling restless and felt like crying but its not the time for sitting and crying. I have to act brave now otherwise I would never be able do anything in life. This time I have to think about myself than others. So I have go ahead with what I am doing.

I was brought out of my thoughts by calling bell. I thing which I am waiting for is here I think. I went and opened the door. It was a delivery boy.

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