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Dhwani's POV:

One thing I learned about Vansh in these days is that he is very persuasive and doesn't take no for an answer. Definitely he wants things to go in his way otherwise he will bend it in such a way that it will fit his path. He have something in his way of speaking that makes the opposite person listen to him. Maybe that is the secret behind his success.

Everyday we have breakfast and dinner together. He comes home before dinner everyday. Sometimes I wish that he becomes late and I can sleep alone in my room saying that I have locked it by mistake and was in deep sleep. But no, this man doesn't leave any chance to irritate me.

I have tried locking my room and sleeping before he comes one day but that stubborn man knocked my door like madman. Then came a point when I felt like my ear drums will break if it continues like this, that's when I accepted my defeat and opened the door.

"Took you long." That's the only thing he said before jumping on the bed and covering himself with blanket.

Such a rich person who can buy anything he wishes steals my body wash and shampoo almost daily. Can you believe it? The thing which I use like it's something precious, he use like it's some water. I thought that I would use it for more than two months but all my planing went into vain because it got over even before a month.

Is he drinking it or what? Who uses this much of a product? And the interesting thing is that, how much ever of that thing I apply on my body it's scent fades even before I get out of the washroom. But when he is using it, that damn thing will still smell from his even after hours. How's that even possible?

Now Sir wants me help him in shopping because he have some event to attend. Something related to business and thankfully I don't have to go with him.

I still remember the way he asked me sorry ordered me to accompany him for shopping.

"Tomorrow after office you are coming with for shopping." He ordered at went back to playing in his phone.

We both were sitting in living area watching TV. Well I was watching and he came to pester me.

"Excuse me!" I told him.

"You are. At what time your office will get over?" He asked avoiding my previous statement.

"I am not coming with you anywhere." I told him firmly.

"Why not?" He kept his phone aside and asked me.

"Because I don't want to." I told him simply.

"It's just shopping Dhwani." He said.

"So?" God I love irritating him. Even though he is irritated he is not at all showing it in his face.

"So you are helping me." He said in the same tone as mine.

"My selection is not good. Look at you." I mocked him.

"Oh please, moreover your father chose me and I don't mind your bad selection." He said with a smirk.

"Touché. Still I don't want to go with you." I told him.

"What should I do so that Madam accompanies me?" He asked me in defeat.

"A please will do." I told him.

"Please Mrs Dhwani Vansh Singhania, will you accompany your poor husband for shopping tomorrow?" He asked in a mock submissive tone.

"That's how Mr Vansh Singhania, you ask people when you want something from them instead of ordering them." I told him.

"Whatever! Will you come or not?" He asked impatiently for which I nodded. He grinned at me and went back to his phone.

So, now I am sitting in my office going through reports imagining how will today's shopping go? As he is going to pick me up in the evening I didn't use my two wheeler to reach office instead he dropped me here.

"May I come in Madam?" Suddenly someone knocked on my cabin door.

"Yes, you may." I replied back politely.

It was Anirudh, the new head. In these days we became good friends. Soon Mr. Ravi who is senior in our office also joined us. We three often had fun together. Ravi Sir is in his early forties I think. But he is fun to be with. Who said you could be only friends people of your age?

They both might be free that's why came to eat my head. It's their favourite hobby to have fun at my expense. But they mean good. They have never made me feel bad about anything. They are good people. Like every office there are gossipmongers here also who doesn't like our little get together but who cares actually.

The report was long forgotten and we got busy in our chats. It's when my phone rang I realised what time is it. It was Vansh saying that he will reach in 10 minutes.

"Ohho, see Ravi sir the love birds are having some plans." Anirudh said with a teasing smile. Even though he is our senior we call each other with names when we are alone. I only call him sir when there are others with us.

"Oh come on, it's just that he wanted to buy something for himself." I told him stop their teasing session even before they start.

"See, I was correct." He said.

"I was also like this during the initial days of my marriage, look at me now." Ravi sir said with a sad sigh making both of us laugh.

That man has a good wife and a happy married life but he would say that his wife has turned him into a slave by making him doing his own works. It's all just for fun. In real he loves his wife a lot and can't live a day without her. They are actually the goal type.

"Go, put on some make up, we don't want to upset your husband with this ghost like face." Anirudh said and literally ran out of my cabin because I was searching something to throw at him.

Ravi sir also left behind him. I actually went to washroom to look at my face. Am I looking that bad? Nope it's fine. And why the hell should I groom myself for him?

Did you just forget that this is for just three months? After that you getting a divorce from him. In all those goofy acts did you forget everything? My subconscious asked me giving a reality check.

This is just for few days Dhwani, don't get too much involved in this. Dont involve your feelings more than it's there now. I told myself. I went to my cabin and took everything and went outside. I was waiting for him when Anirudh came.

"You are still here?" He asked me.

"He might be on the way." I told him.

He was giving me company when I felt a intense stare on me. Without even looking I know who it is. I turned to look at the source of stare to meet with the familiar pair of black eyes.

"I think your hubby is here." He said looking at the car which entered the compound.

"Yeah, bye will see you tomorrow." I told him and went towards his car after receiving reply from Anirudh.

Why is staring at me like that now?


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