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So in the previous chapter I said I was going to do a story time on my first crush. Y'all.....I was a mess.

So this guy we are going to call him Luke because I don't want to use his real name😂.  I had a crush on him since kindergarten

Basically Luke was a somewhat tall brunette with bright green eyes. When we were kids he had you know your average white boy haircut you know the old school 2009 bieber cut. But when we got older he shaved it all off. And he looked🥴😍 bad y'all got side tracked. But Luke was really quiet but a super sweet guy.

Story 1: So I was at school it was like 4th grade I think. Luke is a year ahead by the way. So I'm in class and I wanted to go read so I went over to the book shelf and looked at some books. So im at the bookshelf when someone knocks on the classroom door. I hear my teacher go to open the door . And I see Luke standing there so I'm like freaking out right. Y'all......I jumped BEHIND the bookshelf so he wouldn't see me. So my friends see me hiding so they start calling his name and pointing at me. And I peek my head up from the bookshelf and I see him give like a small smile and shake his head. He pretty much did that all the time with me because he knew that I liked him because everyone told him.😂

Story 2(LONG): So I'm in middle school now(I'm not in middle school btw😂) finally thinking I'm over Luke right. Welp no I'm not because im heading to my drama class(aye lemme know if you guys were theatre kids) and my friends are like Kylee guess who's transferred to our class. And my heart drops because I see Luke walking the same way. And of course with my luck he was the one who got transferred. So im like great imma about to make a fool outta myself. We get to drama have class or whatever. I was so nervous during class because I didnt wanna make a fool outta myself. But I make it through. Class ends and we all come rushing out not wanting to be late. Because my drama teacher was one of those teachers who taught like till the last 2 minutes of class. And at my old middle school you had 3 minutes to get to your next class( yes stupid ik😂) and so I'm like almost breaking my neck because I wasnt even packed. I run out of the room and of course....I drop my binder and papers fly. So I'm like loosing my mind. Y'all....Luke stopped turned around came back and helped me pick up everything to the last paper. It felt like one of the movies and my hand kinda brushed his. So you know I'm freaking out. I tell him thank you and he nods his head at me and says your welcome. And so everyone is like ooo I see you Luke and thats my boy Luke stuff like that. So I'm  blushing and trying to hurry and get to class. Like that day I didnt even care if I was late he made my whole day.😂

Story 3(LONG): Y'all....just letting y'all know I was somewhat stupid in this story. But this is just going to show how loyal I am to my friends. So this girl we met in middle school so she didnt know how I was about Luke and I didnt feel it was necessary to tell her. Im going to call her Mya. So she tells me she has a crush on Luke and I'm like....oh ok cool. My feelings were hurt but I felt that I couldn't be mad at her because she didnt know. So...y'all I'm on a mission to get THEM together. I'm like being her wingman and everything trying to help her. And so we were in drama class(again lol) and I was like I'm going to tell him you said Hi.And she's like no Kylee no but I do it anyway.  Like I wasnt even trying to be funny but he took it that way. So im like Hey Luke Mya said hi. And he chuckles and shakes his head. And I'm like what's so funny Luke while laughing. But he didnt say anything. So he has a brother I'm going to call him Zack he wasn't there that day. So a few minutes past and he's like Kylee and my heart starts beating really fast because I didnt know if he remembered me from elementary especially not my name so I look up like yea what's up and he like Zack told me to tell you Hi and he had this smirk type of smile. And I started blushing from how he was looking at me. And I'm like whatever Luke while laughing and we start back working. But um Luke and Mya didnt end up together...i was secretly happy 😂

Bonus: I was pretty quiet as a kid so everyone knew me as the light skin"mixed" girl with long hair. So my older sister(she's my best friend but we were raised as if we were sisters) was in the same grade as him. And she asked him did he know a little light skin girl with long hair who looks mixed or whatever. And he tells her yea. And she said did you know she likes you. Y'all...he said oh yea I know with that smile he always does. When she told me that I was like omg he  knows I like him what omg😂

But yea I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It was really fun to write and go back through the memories.😊