Wedding Day(Jxdn)

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Y/N's Pov

"I'm gonna puke.",I say as I pace back and forth in the cream colored room. "Y/N calm down relax ok its fine.",my older sister says. "Yes Y/n come sit down your going to pass out.",Amelie says coming over to me and grabbing hand. Ok Y/N breathe breathe. Today is one of the best days of your life. You are marrying the love of your life. I sit down in the chairs as Mads turns on a small electrical fan. After I finally start to calm down the makeup artist starts to work on getting my face beat for the gods. 

Jaden's Pov

"Bro im so nervous.", I say as Bryce fixes my tie. "Dude calm down youre going to be fine. Y/N is the girl for you and you are the guy for her.",He continues. "Come on bro you got this your Jaden Hossler.",Noah comes over and fixes my hair. "Hey boys you ready.", we turns around and see my dad. "Yea here we come.",I answer.

Y/N's Pov
The makeup artist finishes my makeup and I open my eyes to see the girls with their mouths dropped.  I look in the mirror and feel the tears fall. "Guys oh my gosh tissues tissues I'm crying.",I say reaching for tissues. Nessa rushes over and tilts my head back while Mads dabs my eyes without messing up my make up. "Girl oh no stop crying youre gonna mess up your beautiful makeup."Mads continues. Amelie gets a magazine and fans me. "Youre marrying the love of your life girl.",Amelie says which makes me cry even more. "Melie.",Nessa says playfully shoving Amelie.

"I love you guys.",I say giving them a hug. "C'mon girls its showtime.",my mom says opening the door. I get up smooth my dress as the Mads and Nessa grab each of my hands as Amelie holds the back of my dress.

We walk to the double doors and they swing open. I see my (whoever you want to walk you down the aisle) hold their hand towards me and I grab it. I look down the aisle and see Jaden with tears in eyes. Seeing my family and friends all together and supporting Jaden and I makes me so happy.

We make it to the end of the aisle and I grab Jaden's hand and walk up the steps. We look at each other and it seems the world stops(omg so cringey). Jaden kisses my hand and the pastor asks us to give our vowes. By the times vowes are finish Jaden and I are in full tears. These have been the craziest 3 years ever.

"I know pronounce you man and wife.",the pastor says as he nods towards Jaden and I. "You may know kiss the bride.",the pastor says. "Don't mind if i do.", Jaden says,grabs me by my waist, dips me, and gives me the most passionate sweet kiss. He lifts me back up and gives me a smile. "I love you blue eyes.",I say looking at Jaden. "Love you more(pet name he calls you)",He says giving me a kiss on the cheek and wiping a stray tear.