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This story is for Kylie.

I can't believe it. Malcolm was talking to his ex. I feel so ballistic but sad. After all, we've been through he still talks to his ex. Malcolm was in the shower when his phone went off. He told me to answer since we usually answer each other's phones if we can't.

Malcolm comes out of the shower hair still wet. "Who was it bebe", he asks looking for a shirt." Bebe", he asks. I stare at him with pure anger. "HOW COULD YOU MALCOLM, "I suddenly yell.

" What are you talking", Malcolm says. "You're still talking to Crystal", I whisper. " Baby I can explain", Malcolm says. "OH REALLY WHATS THE EXPLANATION", I continue to yell. " STOP YELLING AND I CAN EXPLAIN", He yells. I get quiet and listen.

"It happened when you went on vacation with your family I didn't want to bother you while you were with your family and Crystal texted me and my will got the best of me on sorry I really am but I promise we didn't do or talk about anything", he finishes with teary eyes. He walks over to grab me but I move. "Malcolm I cant do this right now please", I say. " But-", Malcolm says but gets interrupted by me.

"I just need some time right now ok please," I say." "I understand", Malcolm says. " I'll be here", he continues while watching me get my bag. "Do you think we will make it", Malcolm says. " One way or another", I kiss him on the cheek. I grab my bag and leave his house with tears in my eyes.

Alright, hope you liked it Kylie and lemme know if you want a part 2.🥰❤