Mattia(You go to his soccer game)

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I am so excited about today. Mattia has a soccer game. I get up and get dressed for school and my phone rings. I run to answer it's Mattia. "Morning Gorgeous", he says with his sleepy voice." Morning you ready for your game later", I reply. "Of course you know me and the boys taking home the win", he says. " I know you will", I say. We talk on the phone as I get ready.

I took a shower last night so I'm going to just wash up. I go to my closet to pick out an outfit. After finding the outfit I want I go to my vanity to do my makeup and hair.

 After finding the outfit I want I go to my vanity to do my makeup and hair

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I look in the mirror one more time before showing Mattia

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I look in the mirror one more time before showing Mattia. "Ooo my baby looking cute", he says as you blush." Well see you at school", I say. "Same bye love you", he replies." Love you too", I say as I hang up.

I get to school and see my best friend Nala and her boyfriend, Alejandro. "Hey lovebirds", I sing the two. " Hey", they respond."Ale where's Mat-"I get interrupted as I feel myself being lifted into the air. "Right here baby girl", he whispers in my ear. I giggle and asked to be placed on my feet. He sits me down and we all walk to class while meeting up with the rest of the crew.

School is finally over now it's time to go back home and get ready for the soccer game. Nala comes home with me so we can get ready together. I leave my hair the same and touch up my makeup. I put on Mattias practice jersey jean jacket and

 I put on Mattias practice jersey jean jacket and

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black jeans.

black jeans

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My mom drops me and Nala off at the field and we see the boys

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My mom drops me and Nala off at the field and we see the boys. We walk over to say hey and talk a few minutes before the game. Time rolls around for the game to start and me and Nala go to find seats.

The game is going great. The boys are in the lead. The score is 3-1.
Nala and I scream for the boys as loud as we can. " Let's go Mattia", I yell. Alvaro kicks the ball to Mattia and he runs down the field. I stand up and scream louder. "Go Mattia Go," I say and he makes it to the other team's goal kicks the ball and makes a goal. "Let's goooo", I yell. Nala giggles and shakes her head. I look down at the field for Mattia. He looks at me winks and blows a kiss. I send him back a wide and bright smile.

The game is finally over and of course, the boys won. The ending score was 4-1. Nala and I rush to the field. She finds Alejandro and j find Mattia. I jump on his back and he catches me. " You did so good baby boy", I say kissing him on the cheek. " Thanks, mamas", he replies while giving me a kiss on the cheek back. We meet back up with the crew and we all go to In N Out to celebrate.