Part 45

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He refused to tell me where we were going. He went to the extreme to blindfold me. He didn't want me to know. It was kind of sweet but also a blindfold. I feel the car come to a stop and I go to take the blindfold off. 

Yoongi: "No, leave it we aren't there yet." 

I huff out a sigh as I hear him get out of the car. I feel the door next to me open as he helps me out of the car. He walked me across what sounded like concrete. He leads me up to a small set of a few stairs and then sat me down in a soft seat. I start pleading with him I am tired of not being able to see. 

"Baby, what is going on? Can I please take this off?" 

He ignored me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. 

Yoongi: "I will be right back my love." 

I heard him go back down the set of stairs, as I sit and just wait until he comes back. I wait about 15 minutes until I start to get frustrated. 

"Min Yoongi! If you do not come back here right now I am taking this off and leaving." 

I hear his footstep come up to me. I felt him kneel by my feet. 

Yoongi: "My love give me five more minutes, I promise I will take it off soon." 

I gently kissed my lips, I was frustrated so I just sat there. 

I heard him walk away again and I heard a loud door close and a big latch close. Oh my god were we on a plane! It's been loud since we got here and when the loud door closed it got a lot quieter. I felt him sit next to me. 

Yoongi: " Promise me you are not going to panic or yell at me when I take this off." 

I was upset and frustrated and he knew that, that his why he said that. I nodded and he untied the blindfold. It took a second for my eyes to adjust to the fluorescent lights. As my eyes focused I saw we were in fact on a plane. 

"Min Yoongi, did you do?" 

He smiled his cute gummy smile, instantly making my anger go away. God, I hate that. 

Yoongi: "I love you so much and since we have been so stressed out I figured we both could use a few days away." 

"What about Ara?" 

Yoongi: "Taehyung has her, he knows we will be away for a few days. He wanted us to stay for a week. Joking that we weren't to come back until we made another baby." 

"Where are we going?" 

Yoongi shrugs acting clueless. 

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