*Chapter Fifty One*

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Also, I looked ahead in the episodes to see which one I'll do next and I'm not entirely sure. I got about four episodes ahead and none of them really work for my plot. I'll just be doing my own thing until we reach an episode I can incorporate. There'll be a few minor scenes from the episodes I skip but there's not enough scenes within these episodes to do a chapter(s) on them.*

Neither Kol nor Claire could sleep

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Neither Kol nor Claire could sleep. The hope that had been given to them on being reunited with the two boys was yanked from them as quickly as it had been given. Esther had admitted her plan of wanting to kill Claire in order to reunite her with her lost children. It was all a plan to get rid of her. A cruel plan from a merciless woman.

When the death of their shared son was still fresh in their hearts, they dealt with their grief in different ways. Kol obliterated an entire town while Claire became distant and withdrew into herself. This time, however, instead of pushing each other away they fell into each other's embrace.

They laid in bed together, on their sides. The room is dark but there's enough light for them to see each others eyes. Their legs are intertwined, his hand gently caressing the skin on her side while hers gently glides through his hair.

Neither of them have said a word since laying down. Every once in a while their arms will slide around each other, bringing the other into a bone crushing hug before returning to their previous position.

The same questions plague their minds:

Why did they have to loose their sons?

Why is fate so cruel to put them through such a heartbreak?

Will they get their chance at another child?

Are they worthy of another one?

Could they protect the ones they have? Or will their girls be ripped from them as their boys had?

They stare into each others eyes hoping to find the answers to the questions consuming them. When they can't come up with answers, when comforting words die in their throats, they hold onto each other tighter than the last embrace. 

The love they hold for one another, the love for their family, and the hope for their future holds them together. It mends the broken pieces their grief had caused but it cannot return their hearts to the way they were.

Gently, Claire places her hand on his shoulder and pushes him onto his back. She follows him, hovering over his head. His hands shift to her hips, massaging them lightly. She lowers her head, pressing it against his.

She wanted to apologize for losing their son, though, it was not her fault. She wanted to tell him just how much she loved him but the word to describe the magnitude of how she felt for him has yet to be thought of. She knew nothing she could say could take his pain away. But she hoped a kiss would help soften the heartache and somehow magically give them the strength to continue forward. 

When their lips meet, it's gentle. It's a mere brush before Kol holds her closer. The kiss is long, passionate and says everything that they can't put into words. Hugging her waist, Kol rolls her onto her back and presses her into the mattress.

The kiss quickens as the desperation the be together grows. Claire just barely manages to slide her shirt out before Kol loses his patience. The rest of their clothes don't last long and form a scattered pile on the floor.

Pushing against Kol, he lets her roll him onto his back. She straddles his waist, her lips peppering his neck and teeth nibbling at his skin. His moans are low but soon grow when her hips grind against his. After being together for so long, they each knew the others body and knew exactly what made them tick.

Her nails scratch his head as her teeth continue to bite his neck. He releases a low groan, his hips grinding up to meet hers. Not wanting to waste anymore time, Claire sits up on his laps.

Kol's eyes glide down her body before returning to her eyes. Her heart flutters at the clear adoration in his gaze. His hands rest on her hips, hissing when her hands wrap around his length. She uses her hands to harden him, enjoying the sight of him squirming under her. His moans boosting her confidence

After lubing him, she sits up and slowly lowers onto him. Their moans mix with each other as she takes all of him at once. She rotates her hips, going at her own desired pace.

Kol, not liking the distance between them, sits up and wraps his arms around her. He buries his head into her neck, his lips suckling just under her ear. Her hands slide up his arms going over his shoulders to paw at his back.

When he pulls back, their lips reconnect. Their hands move, his gripping her hips while hers thread through his hair once more. He urges her to move on him more, lifting her up and down on him.

Claire whines picking up the pace until Kol flips them around and pins her against the bed. He growls, holding her wrists by her head as he pushes in and out of her. He notices her wiggling her fingers prompting him to hold her hands with his. Their fingers intertwine while he lowers down for another kiss.

"Kol," She whispers, against his lips. He grunts slamming into her harder. "Kol!" She shouts after a hard thrust. His hands leave hers in favor of lowering one to her clit, to rub in various directions, and the other to her hair. He grips the blond stands and forces her to expose her neck to him.

His movements turn more animalistic as his fangs elongate and attach to her neck. She gasps softly, her eyes rolling back as he drinks from her. She whimpers and whines, her hands digging into his back.

She finds her release moments before him. He pulls away from her neck, his tongue lapping at the excess blood trailing down her throat. When he finds his release, his body rests on top of hers. His head nuzzled securely in her neck.

"I love you," He mumbles against her skin. His arms, hold onto her as he rolls them onto his back. 

"I'll always love you, Kol," Claire whispers, resting her chin on his chest. He props his head on his arm, his eyes staying glued on hers. "I always have and nothing will change that,"

"I know," He whispers, gently rubbing her back. "If you haven't left by now, you never will," He smirks a bit. "You're in too deep now," She smirks.

"You Mikaelson's had me hooked on the first day," She tells him.

"I'm just glad you haven't figured out that you could do much better," Kol whispers.

"You and your brothers are major steps up from my ex," Claire tell him. Kol growls, his eyes darkening. "There is no one better for me," She whispers, moving up to hover her face over his. "Kind of the whole point to the soulmate bond," Kol smiles, kissing her lightly. "We were stuck with each other from the minute we were born, I'm just sorry you had to wait so long,"

"Don't be," Kol whispers. "You came at the perfect time," She smiles, kissing him lightly once more before resting her head on his shoulder. Her hand traces various shapes on his chest until he grabs her hand and lifts it to his lips. She smiles as he kisses her knuckles and fingers before resting it back on his chest, his hand staying over it.

*Not my best sex scene but I hope all in all it was decent. Like I said, the next chapter will be longer. 

It just didn't feel right to add more to this chapter cause it would just change the whole tone and the intimacy and I didn't want to do that. It was just better to leave this short and make the next one long.*

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