*Chapter Three*

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Claire smiles instantly as Henrik and Klaus come into view

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Claire smiles instantly as Henrik and Klaus come into view. The two were standing towards the back of Rousseau's. They were talking too quietly for Claire to hear. Henrik notices her first and then Klaus. They both visibly relaxed upon seeing her.

"What's wrong?" Claire asked noting their tenseness.

"We found Sophie" Henrik told her in a low tone. Claire instantly perks.

"Really? Where is she?" Claire asked looking around.

"In the alley behind here," Henrik explained. "We tried to get her to tell us why she brought us here but Marcel is having us followed" He nods to the bar. Claire turns and sees two men watching them. "She won't say anything with other vampires around."

"These witches are terrified to make a move with the vampires around," Klaus informs them.

"I wonder why" Elijah mutters stepping to the side blocking the two vampires from being able to see Claire.

"Marcel brags about how he has them under control, his control," Henrik told his brothers. "He won't go into detail"

"Perhaps I was asking too kindly the last time," Klaus grumbles glaring towards the bar. "Maybe those gentlemen know something" Klaus smirks walking towards the bar. Claire moves in front of him instantly gaining his attention.

"Let's just focus on Sophie" Claire pleaded. "I want to know what she has to say and go home." Klaus's expression softens slightly. He caresses her face and kisses her forehead.

"I want to know why Marcel is having me and Henrik followed." He mutters to her. "The last thing I need is for him to get too comfortable with the power he thinks he has over us," Klaus explains to her. If Marcel becomes too comfortable around them then one of his day or nightwalkers could try to do something to Claire in an attempt to impress Marcel. That would start a war that would destroy New Orleans. "I won't be long" He promises before walking around her.

"Why don't I believe him?" She mutters her head turning to watch him.

"Are you two gentlemen following me?" Klaus asks coming up behind them.

"Marcel said we're your guides," One of them told Klaus. Klaus clenches his jaw. He roughly grabs both of them. They try to keep the pain off of their farces.

"Oh, he did, did he?" Klaus muses sarcastically. "Well then, let me be exceedingly clear about something: if either of you follows me again, you'll do so without the benefit of a spine" Klaus warns them. His grip tightens and they wince as Camille, the bartender walks up to them.

"Sorry for the wait. If you're here for the gumbo, I'm about to break your heart. We just ran out." Camille warns them. Klaus releases the two men, grabs a hundred dollars bill and tosses it on the bar.

"Your oldest Scotch for my two friends here" Klaus orders. She takes the bill, smiles, and nods. "If Marcel wants to know what I'm up to, he can ask me himself" He growled before walking away from them and out the bar.

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