*Chapter Twelve*

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"White?" Claire asks her fingers reaching out for the dress hanging on the hanger

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"White?" Claire asks her fingers reaching out for the dress hanging on the hanger. She feels the material, examining the style.

"I figured we'd try something different" Caroline smiles. "Do you not like it?" She asks.

"It's a beautiful dress" Claire takes a step back. "But it's just... white is thought to be a very pure color"

"A pure color for a pure heart," Caroline says. Claire gives her a look. "You have a pure heart, despite what you may believe" 

"It is a beautiful dress" Claire mumbles taking the fabric back into her fingers.

"You'll look beautiful in it" A voice sounds from behind them. Claire smiles softly as Caroline turns. "If my opinion means anything," He says teasingly. Caroline leaves her sister's side to go to her mate.

"You think I could pull off white?" Claire asks looking at him. Caroline pinches Enzo's side before he can answer, giving him a stern look.

"I think you would look beautiful in anything" Enzo plays it safe.

"Careful," Claire warns teasingly. "With those kinds of compliments, my mates might think the wrong thing" Enzo smirks and shrugs.

"I think I can take them," Enzo says flexing slightly. Claire smiles and looks back at the dress. She grabs the hanger and nods slightly. Caroline grins and shoves Enzo out of the room so Claire can change in peace. 

"Will you be joining us tonight?" Claire asks her sister as Caroline zips up her dress.

"You're not the only one feeling cooped up in this house," Caroline tells her. "Enzo and I will come with you. Bonnie's staying back with Jamie. Her, Penelope and Madelyn are having a slumber party tonight. Jamie is the DJ/Movie changer/Food getter" Claire laughs to herself.

"Be careful, tonight isn't going to be all fun and games" Claire warns her.

"Is it ever with you Mikaelson's?" Caroline grins. Claire's smile falters as she looks down at her engagement ring. Everything's been so busy that they haven't had the time to even start planning the wedding. "It'll happen" Caroline grabs Claire's hand. "When the time is right"

"I wish the right time would come a little quicker" Claire mutters. Caroline smiles and hugs her sister.

"You're going to have the biggest and grandest wedding" Caroline whispers. The two of them pull away. "Now, let's get you looking perfect" Caroline winks at her.

"Mommy?... Mommy?" Madelyn asks walking down the hall. 

"She's in here," Caroline says poking her head out into the hallway. Madelyn grins and follows her aunt into the room.

"Mommy, you look pretty," Madelyn says. Claire's heart swells looking at her daughter.

"Thank you Mad Cat" Madelyn grins and walks over to her mother. 

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