*Chapter Thirty Four*

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"I am so done with being pregnant" Claire growls rubbing her stomach as she finishes experiencing a round of Braxton Hicks

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"I am so done with being pregnant" Claire growls rubbing her stomach as she finishes experiencing a round of Braxton Hicks.

"What can I do to make you feel better?" Klaus asks wanting to make her feel better. She lays her head back against the couch and looks at him lazily.

"I'd kill for a foot rub" She mutters. He smirks and kisses her head.

"No need, I'm at your disposal" Klaus says moving in front of her. He sits on the table and lifts her feet onto his lap. She sighs and relaxes even more as his hands begin to rub away the soreness.

"All of you boys are gonna wanna kid, aren't you?" Claire groans. "Do you even know how uncomfortable I'm feeling right now?" Claire asks.

Klaus listens to her attentively knowing she needed to vent and knew if he wasn't listening wholeheartedly she'd know and have his head on a platter.

"I have about a 3 pound baby thinking my uterus is a fucking trampoline" Klaus winces not even wanting to imagine it. "I'm lucky I can even feel my feet, lord knows I rarely even see them" She growls. "My boobs feel like a leaky faucet. My back feels as if I'm two seconds away from it simply snapping in half. I can't walk ten steps without feeling completely out of breath. You know how tiring it is to go to the bathroom ten times a day when you can barely walk a few feet? Don't even get me started on the fucking heartburn and these fucking Braxton Hicks"

"Look on the-"

"If you finish that sentence with 'bright side' I'll find a dagger that works on you and shove it through your heart" Claire growls.

"Well, you look beau-"

"Don't say 'beautiful'" Claire snapped. "I feel disgusting." She grumbles.

"Is this one of the days where I just smile and do as I'm told silently?" Klaus asks with a small smirk.

"Took you long enough to catch on" She grumbles. He chuckles lightly and messages her calf. "I'm being a bitch, aren't you?" he whispers.

"It's alright love" He assures her. "After everything that's been going on and all the changes you're going through, I believe you've earned the right to be a little moody" He complements her.

"You don't think I'm fat, do you?" Claire wonders with a small frown. Klaus tenses sensing a trap. "You're hesitating" Claire says and Klaus feels slightly panicked.

"Of course you're big" Caroline says coming in. "You have a human growing inside of you but let me tell you, you are glowing. You look radiant and you are definitely pulling off that pregnancy look" Caroline says winking at her. Claire grins feeling her mood lighten.

"Thank you" Klaus mouths to Caroline. Caroline rolls her eyes, laughs, shakes her head and leaves.

"I don't know how I'm going to get through the remainder of these nine or so weeks" Claire mumbles.

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