*Chapter Thirty Nine*

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"Why does she sleep all the time? I want to play with her" Madelyn pouts looking through the bars of the crib from beside her mother. Claire smiles and gently rubs the back of her head.

"She still has some growing to do before you can play with her," Claire says quietly. "But don't worry, you only have to wait a little longer and then you'll have a play mate for life,"

"But it's taking forever" Madelyn whines. Claire smiles and releases a small laugh.

"Hey, Maddie" Caroline says appearing in the doorway. Madelyn leans back and looks at her. "Aunt Bonbon is here and I think she brought some ice cream," Caroline whispers secretively. Madelyn gasps and dashes out of the room.

Once Madelyn was out of the room, Caroline took her place. The twins stand next to each other and look down at the three month old baby. As the time passed Kaylin's features changed slightly. She was beginning to favor Claire physically which is the opposite of her sister, who took after her fathers features. However, Kaylin's eyes held the devious and mischievousness of Klaus which slightly worried Claire.

 "Well, at least Madelyn isn't insanely jealous and hateful towards Kaylin," Caroline mutters looking on the bright side.

"Just insanely impatient," Claire smiles looking at her twin sister. "Reasonably. She has her friends from school but she doesn't get to see them much. She's surrounded by adults. I understand why she wants Kaylin to grow up so quick but all I can think about is how much I want them both to slow down, Madelyn especially"

"Maddie shot up like a rocket," Caroline agrees.

"And grows more every day," Claire whispers. "I feel like the next time I even blink she'll be moving out and ready for college,"

"Don't worry, that's not for a long time," Caroline comforted while wrapping her arm around Claire's shoulders.

"It'll be here before we even know it," Claire whispers. "Especially with how smart she is. She's only 6 years old and is already learning how to multiple and is damn good at it,"

"I still use a calculator," Caroline shrugs. "She'll be smarter than me in a few months," Claire smiles nodding in agreement. "Trust me, you'll have your hands full," Caroline smirks dropping her arm and nudging her sister. "Let me guess, Kaylin is one of many to come," 

"Don't remind me," Claire groans. "I feel like I'm going to start fending those horn-dogs off with a vervain pitchfork" Caroline giggled quietly. 

"Come on, I think some girl talk is what you need," Caroline says pulling Claire out of the nursery. 

The two walk down to the main floor of the plantation. Construction has finally been finished allowing everyone to move back in. Jamie and Bonnie opted to find their own place a few miles down the road. Kai and Penelope have finished whatever revenge Kai had planned on his family and decided to continue traveling for the time being. 

It didn't necessarily shock anybody when they announced that Kai is now a vampire seeing as siphoner's are all the more powerful when they're vampires. It did bring up questions on if Penelope would turn into a vampire down the road. The youngest South wanted to wait seeing as nobody knew for sure if it were possible for a female vampire to become pregnant. Penelope wanted a family in the future and would remain a human until they reached that stage.

Rebekah and Asher are slowly making their way back to New Orleans. However, if they find a place they particularly like or believe to be a fun destination, their ETA on their return extends. Nobody knew for sure when they would return but they were making progress ever so slowly.

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