*Chapter Five*

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"Mommy, look at me!" Madelyn shouted from on top of her pony

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"Mommy, look at me!" Madelyn shouted from on top of her pony. Claire grins leaning against the fence watching her. Klaus sits atop of a horse trotting along side Madelyn but keeping his distance so she can do as she pleases.

"I see you, baby girl!" Claire shouted clapping as she watches her daughter canter around the arena. Madelyn leads Muffin up to a small jump and does it without knocking to wood over. "Good job, Madelyn!" Claire cheered. Madelyn grins from ear to ear.

"Lunch is ready!" Hanna shouts from the house. Claire waves letting her know that she's been heard before turning back to her daughter.

"Ok, Maddie, come on in" Claire said.

"But mom!" Madelyn whines. "Just a little longer" She pleads.

"Madelyn, you've been riding for long enough. The horses aren't going anywhere" Claire said more sternly but still gentle. "You still have to brush Muffin out and feed him before you come in" She reminds her.

"But I'm not even hungry" Madelyn moans.

"Madelyn, listen to your mother" Klaus said giving her a look. "Dismount and take Muffin into the stables. Brush him out, give him some oaks and get inside."

"Fine" Madelyn pouts. She climbs off of the saddle and leads Muffin to the gate. Claire meets her there and opens it for her daughter.

"You can come out and hang with the horses later." Claire told her. Madelyn just nods. Claire smiles at her stubborn daughter. She walks slightly behind Madelyn, following her into the barn. She watches Madelyn take care of Muffin properly and safely. Klaus walks past them with his own horse but hands the gelding to one of the hybrids instead of doing it himself. "Nice example you're setting" Claire smirks at him knowing Madelyn saw.

"Why can't one of them do this for me?" Madelyn whines. Claire gives Klaus an you're-taking-this-one look. Klaus grins and kisses Claire's forehead before walking over to Madelyn.

"Because you love Muffin don't you?" Klaus asks her. Madelyn nods. "You want Muffin to love you, right?" Madelyn nods again. "Then you have to bond with him. To bond with him you have to spend time with him, take care of him. You show him you care and he'll show you that he cares." He told her. "That means you have to give him attention. Ride him, brush him, feed him and clean up after him."

"That's a lot of work" Madelyn complains. Klaus grins as well as Claire.

"I know, Munchkin, but it's worth it, no?" Klaus tilts his head. Madelyn sighs dramatically. Claire rolls her eyes and sarcastically wonders where Madelyn's learned to be dramatic from. *Cough*Kol*Cough*

"I guess" Madelyn dragged out.

"Atta girl" Klaus kisses her head before standing up. "You did very well today" He praises. Madelyn smiles widely, her mood lifting. She then looks to her mother wanting the same type of praise.

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