*Chapter Forty Seven*

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*I just want to thank everyone for your support for me, this book, for everything. I love you all and hope you enjoy this chapter. I feel very satisfied with it and enjoyed writing it!*

"Do you think I don't know that?" Finn growls, glaring at his brother

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"Do you think I don't know that?" Finn growls, glaring at his brother. "We're a little short on options at the moment. We have to get Elijah back. Claire is more than capable of handling herself, especially with four other witches to back her up. They just need a moment to weaken Esther, and we'll be able to join them,"

"If Esther harms a hair on her head, I will dedicate the rest of my eternal life; to torturing every single body she jumps into," Kol threatens. He continues to march at the entrance, an invisible force preventing him from entering.

"You won't be the only one," Finn assures him.

Inside the cemetery, Claire, along with Bonnie, Davina, Penelope, and, Kai walk towards the crypt. Bonnie had caught wind of what was happening and instantly volunteered to help. Claire was hesitant, seeing that Bonnie had a newborn at home, but relented, only when they agreed Bonnie would simply be in the background as a backup. It wouldn't be 100% safe, nothing with Esther was completely safe, but it would be safer than taking her head-on.

Sending both Bonnie and Davina a look, the two witches branch off and disappear. They searched for anyone else in the crypt. They also stayed hidden from Esther, only to reveal themselves should Claire, Kai and Penelope need more help.

"-you will reconsider my offer. A new life." Esther preaches in front of Elijah. Claire shares an uneasy look with both Kai and Penelope. While Kai simply returned the glance with an excited grin, Penelope looked a little more reassuring. "A way to be freed from your demons. A chance at peace."

"Funny," Claire says, announcing her presence with Penelope to her right and Kai to her left, both a step back from Claire. Esther sighs, her shoulders dropping while Elijah's head snaps to his mate. Claire's heart clenches at the sight of him before being overcome with anger towards Esther... again. "You speak of peace, yet every time our peace has been disrupted, you or Mikael have been behind the chaos. Our family, our city, was at peace, but you just had to come and inflict your will. I've had enough. It's time for you to leave."

"Hello, Claire," Esther sighs, facing her future daughter-in-law. "Penelope, Malachai," Esther greets the two witches by Esther. Kai instantly glares at Esther harshly for the use of his full name. "I'm not going anywhere. I have a duty to my family, a duty to nature,"

"This isn't your family," Claire shakes her head. "You lost that privilege a long time ago,"

"I am still their mother," Esther said, fiercely.

"No," Claire shakes her head. "You're nothing," Claire states. "You're not welcome here, you never have and you never will. I will only give you one chance to release Elijah and Hanna from your grasp. If I were you, I'd leave while you can." Claire warns.

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