*Chapter Nineteen* {The River in Reverse}

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*Shout out to AlexaBrooke4 for giving me the name to Claire's coven. I also enjoyed zodiacPalaceStudios for giving me the specific title of the coven leader! Thanks so much for your input and thank you to the others who commented!*

 I also enjoyed zodiacPalaceStudios for giving me the specific title of the coven leader! Thanks so much for your input and thank you to the others who commented!*

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Not exactly how Claire was hoping this meeting, this dinner to go. The awkward and tenseness was there since they arrived. Pleasantries were exchanged and then the silence settled in.

The long table, the barely fit in the room, was filled to the brim. Food decorated the surface and every chair was taken. Marcel sat at one end with Davina and Diego on either side of him. Claire was slightly surprised to see Thierry back as well. The anger between Marcel and his right hand man forgotten, though Thierry would have to re-earn his place to be Marcel's second.

There were a few other vampires that sat near Marcel. Claire didn't know their names nor knew the importance of the presence. Perhaps Marcel was trying to show her that people are still loyal to him, that he still has followers, that he still has power.

It's a pathetic attempt.

The men that sat with Marcel wouldn't be able to get within a ten foot radius of Claire, even if they had the element of surprise. Marcel could have them surrounded yet he wouldn't be able to get to her if he wanted too. Her show of power, the people who sat with her were much more intimidating and much more useful than Marcel's daywalkers.

Directly across from Marcel, at the other end of the table, sitting at the head, it Claire. She had agreed to this in hopes of coming to a compromise, a truce of sorts. But as she looks into Marcel's eyes, she wonders if she'll even be able to say her piece before he loses his temper, a temper he's learned from being raised by Klaus, a temper Claire is used to defusing. However, Marcel is not her mate and if he loses it, the men that are her mates won't take kindly to it.

On her left sat Klaus and on her right sat Kol. Down the line sat the rest of her mates, Finn and Elijah sat with Klaus while Henrik sat with Kol. Her entire coven along with Rebekah, who sits with Asher, Kai, who has been accepted into the coven to be with Penelope, Caroline, and Enzo had seats at the table as well.

A select few hybrids, the best and most trusted, guard and watch after Madelyn at home. They knew exactly what would take place should anything happen to the beloved 5-year-old. Klaus had paint a very vivid picture for them leaving little to the imagination.

"I want to thank you for welcoming us into your home" Claire broke the silence. Marcel nods with slightly narrowed eyes. "As you know I have been... absent for a short period and in that time I understand some... events have taken place" Marcel nods again. Claire turns her attention to Davina and gives her a small smile. "Thank you for your part in bringing me back and cutting my ties with Sophie Deveraux" 

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