*Chapter Forty Four*

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"Hanna?" Liz asks cautiously after hanging up with Claire

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"Hanna?" Liz asks cautiously after hanging up with Claire.

"Not exactly," Hanna smiles sending an unpleasant shiver down Liz's spine. "Esther Mikaelson, soon-to-be Claire's mother-in-law," Liz frowns her eyebrows. While she knew who Esther is, she didn't know how this situation happened. How is Hanna, Esther? What happened to Hanna? So many thoughts are racing through Liz's mind.

"What are you doing here?" Liz asks.

"Waiting," Esther says simply. "If you'll excuse me, I'd like to see my granddaughters," Esther goes towards the exit of the living room. However, Liz quickly blocks her path.

"I don't think so," Liz says knowing she couldn't stop Esther but maybe she could delay her.

"I have no intentions on harming either child," Esther assures. "I just want to see them,"

"You said you were waiting, for what?" Liz asks. Esther smiles shaking her head sensing Liz's diversion but giving in.

"Not a what, a who," Esther tells her. Liz  can feel herself tensing but she doesn't move out of Esther's path. "Liz, you're a mother, like myself. Is there anything you wouldn't do for your girls? Don't you want what's best for them? That's what I'm trying to do. They've been without guidance for far too long. I'm trying to do what's best for them, even if they don't know it"

"Trying to kill your children is not what's best for them," Liz shakes her head. "Love, loyalty, that's what they need and that's what you lack" Liz tells her.

"You miss understand my actions," Esther tells her. "I do not wish to harm my children, nor you children, nor our grandchildren. I merely want to give them a better life," Liz raises her eyebrows.

"Our children have built themselves a damn good life, and that was without either of us. Yes, mother's want what's best for their children but they also need to know when to step back and allow them to live their own lives. You had your chance to inflict your will on them, that time has passed. Leave them alone, Esther. Let them live their lives the way they want too,"

"There was a time, not that long ago, where you despised vampires. A time where you would have killed you oldest daughter, just because she was one of them."

"That was a lifetime ago," Liz tells her defensively. "I've changed, I've accepted her for who she is. She's still my daughter and I would do anything for her, for both of them."

"You may have accepted her but have you really accepted the fact that she's a vampire?" Esther asks raising her eyebrow. "Or will you accept that Claire will eventually become one?" Liz purses having assumed Claire would be a vampire at some point. "What if I told you I could prevent Claire from becoming one of them? What if I told you I could give them all chances at new lives? Lives without the burden of vampirism?"

"Then I would tell you that that's their choice and their choice alone. I would tell you that even if they wished to become a vampire or stay one, then I wouldn't hold that choice against them. They're still my daughters and I'd love them no matter what," Liz says strongly.

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