*Chapter Forty Nine* {Wheel Inside the Wheel}

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"When is he supposed to get here?" Davina ask, standing beside Bonnie at the crowded airport

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"When is he supposed to get here?" Davina ask, standing beside Bonnie at the crowded airport. 

"His flight should have landed by now," Bonnie says, her head swiveling around. Her eyes search through the crowd for the familiar face.

"Can he really help us?" Davina asks. Bonnie glances at her. The two share a look.

"I don't know," Bonnie told her honestly. "I hope he can but it's been a long time since I've seen him,"

"You two grew up together? In Mystic Falls," Davina states. Bonnie nods, a soft smile coming onto her lips. "How did he get involved in everything? Is he a witch or something,"

"No," Bonnie shakes her head. "He's a hunter," Davina arches an eyebrow. "Do you know about Klaus's curse and what he had to do to break it?"

"Of course, we all heard the stories," Davina nods.

"Well, it was his sister that was the doppelganger," Bonnie explained. "A couple years later he became a supernatural hunter, one of the five. That's a long story," Bonnie tells her. 

"Isn't the doppelganger dead?" Davina asks. Bonnie chews her bottom lip before slowly nodding.

"Elena killed Kol," Bonnie begins. "Right in front of Claire," She adds. Davina's eyes widen a bit. "Naturally, Claire sought revenge and killed Elena. None of us left on bad terms but it wasn't like it was before,"

"Is Kol going to be ok with this?" Davina asks and Bonnie shrugs.

"It's for Claire and Claire has always cared about him. The last thing any of the Mikaelson's want to do is hurt Claire. They won't hurt him unless it's necessary," Bonnie explains.

"Well, that's a relief," A deep voice behind the witches comments. Bonnie spins around with a wide grin.

"Jeremy!" Bonnie shouts jumping into his arms. Jeremy laughs spinning her around. "Look at you! You're all grown up!"

"I'm not that much younger than you," Jeremy reminds her.

"You'll always be that awkward emo kid in high school," Bonnie teases. Jeremy rolls his eyes. "Although, looks like the kid is growing a beard or trying too at least," Bonnie continues to tease while pulling at his facial hair. Jeremy swats her hand away.

"Why did I agree to come again?" Jeremy jokes. Bonnie rolls her eyes and hugs him a second time. He smiles squeezing her tightly. "I hear your a mom now, congrats,"

"I can't wait for you to meet her," Bonnie says, pulling away. "But until then, this is Davina," Bonnie says motioning to the younger witch. Jeremy turns toward the brunette. His entire expression turns from giddy to astonished. 

"H-hi," He stutters, his hand going to the back of his neck.

"Hi," Davina grins, twirling some of her hair. Bonnie raises an eyebrow at the pair of them as she suddenly feels like a third wheel. 

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