*Chapter Eight*

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*Hey ya'll after you're doing reading this chapter you should go check out Her name is Alondra by lolurnotklaus*

*Hey ya'll after you're doing reading this chapter you should go check out Her name is Alondra by lolurnotklaus*

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"Rebekah Mikaelson. Come to teach me another lesson? Last time I saw you, Royal Street was burning and you all were fleeing from the city from your daddy" Marcel walks up to Rebekah as she stands on a balcony.

"I thought you were dead" Rebekah whispers looking at him.

"You never looked back to find out. Why are you here?" Marcel asked trying to remain strong as nostalgia warms his body.

"Family," Rebekah told him with a small smile. "For once, I don't want to avoid them."

"Does this have anything to do with Claire?" He asked. She looks away from him. "She seems to be pretty important to your family."

"She's carrying a miracle child in her stomach, of course, she's important." Rebekah turns to him. "I like her, she's done a lot of good for my family," She tells him.

"If you're worried I or any of my vampires are going to hurt her, you're wrong," Marcel tells her. She smirks slightly. 

"Is your vow to not harm her out of the goodness of your heart or because you've grown smarter over the years?" Rebekah asked. "Do you truly understand the importance of keeping her alive?" She questioned walking closer to him. "Let me tell you a story"

"I don't have time for your stories" Marcel turns away from her.

"You'll want to hear this one" Rebekah told him. He sights and grabs the railing. He gives her a slight nod letting her know he's listening. "About four years ago, my brother Kol was murdered right in front of Claire" Marcel turns towards her and leans his back against the railing.

"I remember," Marcel said. "A lot of vampires wiped out within hours" Rebekah nodded.

"Imagine a piece of your soul being ripped from you. Watching the love of your life, the true love of your life burning to death. Imagine their screams as you watch helplessly, unable to save them. Can you imagine that pain?"

"Can you?" Marcel asks standing up, moving toward her. "I remember a time when you loved me and yet you ran, left me for dead" Marcel growled.

"You weren't my true love" Rebekah whispers softly. Marcel's face drops. "This isn't about you and me, this is about an 18-year-old who killed a girl who was once her best friend because she killed her mate"

"Claire? That sweet girl, killed someone?" Marcel asks doubtfully. 

"Not just anyone, Elena Gilbert." Marcel frowns his eyebrows. "The doppelganger. The girl Claire had known since birth. Claire drove a stake through her heart but not before drenching it in vervain and dragging it across her skin."

"What's your point?" Marcel asks. Rebekah grins and takes a step closer to him.

"A sweet, kind girl took a life without hesitation and made it as painful as possible because she took the love of her life away. She's just one person and Elena just took one mate. Can you imagine the chaos, the death that would occur if anything happens to Claire Forbes?" Rebekah tilts her head. "The mate to all five Original brothers?" Rebekah laughs and shakes her head. "New Orleans will only exist in memory if that happens," Rebekah warns.

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