*Chapter Forty Five* {Live and Let Die}

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Esther's comeback honestly turned pathetic quickly, despite the slight complication about her taking over Hanna's body

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Esther's comeback honestly turned pathetic quickly, despite the slight complication about her taking over Hanna's body. Esther had tried to rile up her children from different angles, so far, failing each time.

First, Esther tried to persuade the werewolves to up rise against the Mikaelson's. However, none joined her.  They clearly remembered the last time they had gone up against the Mikaelson's, more than half of them were slain during the night. While most stayed loyal to Mikaelson's out of fear for their lives, there is a handful that is truly loyal. Those are the ones that recognize how much better their lives have become since Hayley passed and their curse was lifted, all thanks to the family Esther wishes for them to turn on. Loyalty is something very precious to the werewolves and they will not give it up for the undesirable promises Esther makes.

Esther, however, didn't stop with the werewolves. She simply moved on to the witches. Although, the witches that remained were few in number, they were even more fearful of the Mikaelson's than the werewolves. Once the brothers, and Claire, had taken control of New Orleans they unleashed a wrath upon the witches that will haunt them for centuries. They've seen how powerful they are, they've seen what they do to enemies and traitors, none of them wish for that fate. At the same time, like the werewolves, there are some that are truly loyal seeing as now that the Mikaelson's are in charge, they're free to practice their magic, within reason, without being killed in the streets.

Despite being frustrated, Esther continued to move forward and tried the vampires. Out of the three groups, the vampires prospered the most under the Mikaelson's. They all lived fairly and flourished while openly befriending the werewolves and witches. They not only refused to join Esther but laughed at her proposals of false promises.

After her third failure, Esther realized how rooted her son's are in the city. They have the fear, loyalty and love of those under their careful watch. All of the would rather die than go against them whether it be from their love or fear for them.

Desperate for some type of leverage, Esther tried the Hybrids. She had severely underestimated their love and loyalty to the Mikaelson's, specifically Claire. Some of the newer hybrids still felt the sire bond towards Klaus while the older ones remembered how Claire had fought for their safety and happiness. Her attempt had been such a disaster that she had nearly been kidnapped.

The Mikaelson's weren't stupid, they knew what Esther had been trying to do. As annoyed as they were at her for even trying, they did find each failure more enjoyable and laughable than the last. Never in the Mikaelson history has the siblings been more united, never have they ever had such loyal followers, and Esther has yet to truly grasp that concept. It was only a matter of time before she would be defeated. The only delay is their determination to separate Esther from Hanna before delivering the fatal blow.

Her failures had transpired over the course of three and a half weeks. While Esther had been attempting to turn the witches, Kai and Penelope returned to New Orleans. It had been months since they were last in the city and they were both missed dearly. When Esther was figuring out how to turn the vampires, Asher and Rebekah returned. Since their return, Asher and Archie have hardly left each other's side. The twins had missed each other more than anything, both hating the distance but understanding that it had to happen.

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