*Chapter Twenty* [The Seven]

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Seven hybrids lost their lives doing what Claire ordered them too. Claire knew that lives would be lost, though she hoped for a peaceful transition of power.

Seven people who wouldn't be able to return to their families because of her decision.

Seven people who depended on her and her family.

While they achieved their objective, Claire couldn't just over look the seven lives. Each one was a person. Each one had their own personality and their own family and friends. She couldn't find it in herself to simply see them as a number on a sheet. They deserved more than that.

She knew the seven that died, she wasn't close to them per say but she knew them. The remaining thirty-six hybrids, excluding Klaus, took the loss to heart. Those seven men and women were their family. They ate with them, caused trouble with them and learned how to be a hybrid alongside them.

The vampire's that they killed were disposed off quickly and easily but Claire made sure to take care of the hybrids. They gave them proper burials and notified their blood related families, if they had any.

"I want to talk to you" Claire says quietly while leaning against the doorway into Klaus's office. He instantly looks up from his paperwork, giving her his full attention. He moves away from the desk and motions for her to come closer.

Claire smiles gently while walking over to him. She straddles his lap, rubbing his chest calmly. He kisses her nose making her face scrunch up. He grin lightly caressing her hips.

"What do you want, love?" He asks curiously. She smiles slightly nervous.

"I know you want to move into the Abattoir but I feel like we'll be happier here" She tells him slowly. "We've made this place our home" She smiles. "The hybrids are happy in their house. Our whole family is here. Madelyn can run around in the backyard and ride her horses whenever she wants. This is the place, this is the home I want our child to grow up in."

Klaus smiles, his eyes pouring into hers. His hands move from her hips to her swelling stomach. He glances down at her stomach. His grin deepens as he feels their baby kicking.

"I couldn't agree more" He whispers looking back into her eyes. "Our family is happy here and the last thing I want is to uproot everyone and move them into a very crowded city"

"You really mean that?" She asks quietly. He nods pressing their foreheads together.

"The Abattoir is simply a building, this is our home" He stresses to her. "Claire, before meeting you, my family never had a home. We were constantly on the move, constantly at each other's throats, constantly turning our backs on each other and committing horrendous acts. You brought us together. You kept us together. You made us a family, a family that actually wants to be together and work together. You are our home and this is where we are happiest"

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