*Chapter Twenty Seven* [Davina]

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*I'm thinking about bringing a character back, I'm not gonna say what I'm gonna use them for but I wanna know who y'all wanna see back, Jeremy or Stefan?*

*I'm thinking about bringing a character back, I'm not gonna say what I'm gonna use them for but I wanna know who y'all wanna see back, Jeremy or Stefan?*

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"This is madness," Klaus shakes his head after Asher finished explaining how Davina threw up dirt moments before the violent earthquake. "How can a 16-year-old girl shake the entire French quarter?"

"I've seen her rock the church, but I've never seen anything like this" Marcel says with deep concern. 

Claire sighs and looks to the upper level of the Abattoir towards the room where Penelope, Bonnie, Caroline, and Rebekah are keeping Davina company. Claire wanted to be up there with them but also wanted to hear what Asher and Marcel had to say about the situation.

"How did you control her when she was in the attic?" Klaus wondered.

"I didn't have to" Marcel shrugs. 

Claire thinks back to Kaleb and what he had said when he visited them. She didn't even want to think about the possibility of having to complete the Harvest but she couldn't help it. It was starting to make sense, unfortunately.

"She has too much power that she cannot control" Elijah says glancing at Claire, the two of them thinking similar thoughts. "That much we already knew" He mutters. Claire grabs his hand and wraps her arm around his. He gives her hand a comforting squeeze.

"I think we need to talk to Kaleb" Claire brings up. "See what he has to say about the situation"

"Kaleb?" Marcel asks.

"He's a witch in the French Quarter Coven" Henrik informed him. "He came by and talked about Davina. He's worried that if the Harvest isn't completed then the power will destroy Davina."

"No" Marcel said instantly. "I'm not letting you kill her" He growled which instantly made the room even more tense as Claire's mates growled in return.

"I don't want any harm to come to her" Claire says calmly. "All I'm suggesting is that we see what he has to say and go from there, alright?"

"I'll go find him" Kol volunteers. He kisses Claire's forehead as he passes her.

"I'll make sure he doesn't kill him" Elijah says standing up, re-buttoning his suit before following after his brother but not before giving Claire a similar farewell.

"And I'll make sure he doesn't lose his head" Henrik added before following his older brothers worried that Elijah would lose his temper with the man who dug up his ex-lovers bones. Henrik also figured that if Elijah did lose his temper that Kol wouldn't necessarily stop Elijah. Kol wouldn't let Elijah kill Kaleb and Henrik didn't think Elijah would even kill the witch but they needed him in one piece and unharmed, willing to cooperate.

"How many vampires does it take to bring a witch back alive?" Claire jokes. "Marcel, I know you don't trust us" Claire says walking closer to him. "And we don't necessarily trust you" She added under her breath. "But trust that I don't want Davina dead. She's just a teenage girl. She doesn't deserve all of this. The only thing she should be worried about is school and boys. Not rituals and psycho witches."

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