삼십 구

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I sat next to the driver while Kim Taehyung is sitting behind, he has a short schedule today and I will get off work earlier than I usually do but the timing can be a little unpredictable at times so I can just hope that I can get back home early and have a short nap.

Kim Taehyung is looking at me with the weird gaze that he has been giving me ever since we left the dormitory and got into this car, he said something really weird as well and I didn't have the time to react to it so I am now thinking hard about it in my mind as we take the car to his destination.

Kim Taehyung is someone who can be quite annoying at times and he demands ridiculous things from me all the time and he will get all pouty if I don't get the things that he wanted, he is extremely noisy for a K-pop idol and I thought that I should be able to get used to it seeing that the other members are also like what but Kim Taehyung is on another level.

He is just Kim Taehyung and he is the one that I told myself that I should make amends for what I have done to him and his younger sister and I decided to work for him to repay for whatever I did to him, he was so against me working for him since it is a very awkward issue for the both of us but now he is quite dependent on me that he needs me around so that he can feel safe.

That was the exact words that he said and that made me so confused, but I kind of get it why he said that. He lost his younger sister a year ago and he has a hard time getting over her, he even left the industry for a while to open a cafe just so that he can stay low for a while and not think of anything else.

He spent that entire year doing nothing but escaping from reality and not being true to himself, he has always blamed himself for not picking up the last call that he got from TaeEun and that was the trigger for him to have a mental breakdown and that made him run away from everything. But it is not his fault and he should know that very well, it is that manager's fault for viewing her as a toy and nothing else and we can't do anything about it now.

The manager is probably still in the industry because the CEO defended him against everything that he did and he didn't get fired, that is one of the things that I can't understand about today's society. Shouldn't the one who did wrong get punished? Why is he still out in the open like an innocent person?

I have wanted to track down that horrible man along with my members and to give him a good beating but we don't have enough evidence to tell everyone that our beloved member got assaulted by that horrible man and he is out in the open as if he hasn't done anything wrong but we don't do that, the society doesn't listen to women and we are not taken seriously so there isn't much that we can do from this incident but to leave the industry all together and to never return and that was what we did as soon as the company terminated all of our contracts.

We left the industry and never looked back, well except for me because I am now working under Kim Taehyung as his manager but I have made up my mind to never become a K-pop idol ever again, I will be crazy if I ever did that again.

I looked at Kim Taehyung via the mirror and he is now looking out of the window, he is finally not staring at me. He isn't pleased with my decision to be his manager because he thinks that I have a greater potential to be a singer more than anything else and I have the talent to be one, but it doesn't mean that it would make me happy.

Maybe one year ago before the incident even happened, I was happy to have debuted as a K-pop idol and dancing on stage but not now, all I know is that things are not going to be the same if I do try to be a singer again.

We arrived at the shoot and I thanked the driver before catching up with Kim Taehyung who is already walking so far from the drop-off point, I have to be there to guide him because he doesn't have an idea where the shoot is at and I am afraid that he might be lost. He turns around looking for me. "Could you be faster? Don't make me look like a lost person, I am Kim Taehyung. Being lost makes me look bad in the public."

I cursed under my breath and I ran as hard as I can to catch up to him. "How is this my fault? I was just thanking the driver for sending us here and for tolerating your nonsense, you have to stop doing all of that weird stuff in the car. You are just lucky that you are a K-pop idol and no one can say anything about you."

"Then get a drivers' license as soon as you can and you don't see this problem coming up again." There he goes about me not having a drivers' license, it is getting so annoying about him complaining over and over again.

"Then drive it by yourself!" I yelled at him. "Or get another manager to drive you around, I would be so happy working under another member. At least they don't bother me all the time."

He went all quiet after what I have said to him and I was really worried that he might want me replaced with someone else with a drivers' license, I might be out of a job. "If you want me to drive, I can drive but get a car license. You have to protect me and getting a drivers' license is the first thing, Miss Yang." He booed my nose and went on walking with me confused over his actions again. Does he hate me or does he not...

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