오십 사

17 1 0


"DongMi, I thought that you were just playing a joke on me when you told me that you are leaving for Daegu in a few hours and you have no idea when you are returning." My mother said to me when she came into my room and caught me packing my belongings.

"I am not playing a prank on you, Omma," I said to her. "I am going to Daegu and I am not going there alone, I am going with the members."

"But why all of a sudden?" She asked me and I just realized that I have not told her about the part that Kim Taehyung has decided to leave the group even though there is still no retirement announcement but she is not going to take it very well if she knows that Kim Taehyung is not going to be in the dramas that she watches, she is a huge fan of dramas and she has watched a few of Kim Taehyung's dramas and she told me that he is one of her favourite actors.

She is not going to be very happy about it and she would spread the news to her friends which would spread the news to their friends and soon enough, everyone would know that Kim Taehyung is going to retire from the industry and they are not going to see him on television anymore, it is going to be so chaotic and I don't think that I can handle my mother.

"It is just work and the company is paying for my trip and I am with the members, nothing bad is going to happen," I told her. "We are going to be in Daegu for a work-related thing and they are going to do a lot of things there, there will be no time for me to rest and I will be on my feet the whole time."

"Really?" I nodded my head. "Will there be a time that you can buy anything? Can you buy some souvenirs from there and bring them home? I haven't been to Daegu in more than a decade and I missed the food there."

"Alright, I will make sure to buy a lot but I won't be back so soon," I told her. "The company have already told my lecturer that I will be on leave after further notice so doesn't be worried that the school would come looking for me."

I left the house after a long minute of my mother telling me to rest well and to drink more water, I was worried that she might not let me go but she still believed the lie that I will be going on a company trip to Daegu when in fact we are going there for a mission to find Kim Taehyung who has supposedly packed up his business in Seoul and went back to his hometown.

I got out of the house and Namjoon ssi helped me get my belongings into the back of the car and I opened the car door to find Seokjin ssi driving the car and Jimin ssi and Jungkook ssi is sitting at the back, the other two is in another car and we are driving to the train station and we will be taking the train to Daegu. Our first stop will be Kim Taehyung's hometown, the exact neighbourhood where he lived before he moved to Seoul for his career.

I knew that the members will start searching for him if they couldn't find him within 3 days and they will go back to his hometown to track him down but I have never thought that I would be included in their plans as well, they could go with themselves and there will be 6 tickets but they had to include me in it because I was his manager and I am the person who was with him most of the time even though I am only his manager and nothing else.

Right, he told me that he liked me... And he would have told his members as well. I looked around the car and the members are very quiet, each doing their things and I became very awkward. Are they always like this on road trips?

"Did your mother believe you that you are just going on a company trip?" Seokjin ssi broke the silence before it gets even more awkward.

I nodded my head. "She nagged at me for the 5 minutes that I took to pack my belongings, and luckily she allowed me to go because I told her that the company is paying for the trip and I have applied for a leave of absence at school."

"It is normal for your mother to be worried because we have no idea when we will come back, Kim Taehyung has gone too far this time and I am going to give him a scolding when we find him." Seokjin ssi let out a sigh, they have been trying their hardest to reach him and they were so shocked when I told them that Kim Taehyung had no plans to stay with them anymore and he is going to do his things and he is doing it on his own.

"I thought that you wouldn't want to include me in the search because I am not part of the group," I said to them.

"Why would we not include you? You are his manager and the person who is always with him, you know him better than any of us because you are next to him all the time." Namjoon ssi said to me. "And I know that you are also very worried about Taehyung, he was the one who gave you hope and you can find happiness in him."

I do? "Yes, I agree with Namjoon hyung." Jimin suddenly speaks and I jump up in fright. "Do tell him that you love him when you see him." He said to me.

"I don't like him," I told him and my words woke up Jungkook ssi and now the two of them are just staring at me with those doubtful eyes. "I don't..." They continued to stare at me. Do I?

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