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Mr. Bang takes a look at every one of us in the room and took a breath and then lets it out as slowly as possible. "So you are telling me that you guys are going to disband when the concert is happening in one week? All the tickets have sold out and you are telling me that it will be your last concert and there will be no more BTS in the future."

"Yes, Mr. Bang," Namjoon replied to him. "It is a decision that we have taken a long time to think over and it is the best decision that has come out of it, you do know that we have been around in the industry for more than a decade and we have contributed a lot to the economy and the nation treasure us so much to the point that it is impossible to hate on me--"

Mr. Bang puts a hand up. "That is too long-winded," He pointed to Yoongi hyung. "You explain it instead."

Yoongi hyung let out a sigh. "We are sick and tired of this shit and we decided that we wanted to do our things."

"Hyung nim, it is a decision that all of us have come to and Taehyung was the last person to know about this. We all went to Daegu last month to get him back and he agreed that we will disband instead of him leaving the group on his own." Seokjin added on.

"But it is not because of me, Hyung," I said to Mr. Bang.

"And we hope that you could be understanding of this and allow us to do this. It is a better way of letting our fans know that our journey has come to an end and the new chapters of our lives are starting, we can't be doing the same thing for the rest of our lives." Jimin was about to burst into tears and Seokjin hyung tells him to keep his emotions in control and remained composed.

"Have they discussed it with you, DongMi ssi?" Mr. Bang asked DongMi and she nodded her head, I know that she wanted to say no but she couldn't do that.

And she didn't want to worry too much about her, she is already upset enough to know that I am tired of being an idol and always being in the spotlight, and then she received the news that we will be disbanding, she will not be working for me anymore and most likely they will assign her to another artiste or they will send her to a completely different company.

That sounds like a dream for her but I know that she doesn't want this and she would rather quit than work for someone who didn't give her the dream, I was the one who gave her the dream and she made me want to take another chance at taking the stage and even though I don't enjoy it as much as I thought that I would, I am still thankful for her.

But I know that she doesn't want to talk to me anymore because I am annoying and arrogant to her that she doesn't want anything to do with me, I make fun of her all the time and I play jokes on her and I even confessed my feelings for her, she rejected me right away and she told me that I can't be with her because we are 2 worlds apart.

In love, things like this don't matter at all and I don't care about any of that, Yang DongMi is someone that I didn't expect to come into my life and I thought that she brought unhappiness to my life after TaeEun gone but she has been the one who encouraged me and she stayed by my side ever since she found out about my true identity.

And I like her for who she is and I don't want her to change but the thing is that she doesn't like me, she could have liked me at some point but she stopped herself from doing that because she doesn't want to get herself hurt for anything. She is on the losing end of the stick no matter where she stands and she is smart for knowing how to protect herself.

But I wished that she could have opposed our disbandment, it is something big and she is there behaving like it is a small thing and everyone goes through it and it is not a sad thing.

Mr. Bang let out a sigh. "Alright, since DongMi ssi doesn't oppose this, I will have to allow you guys to carry on with whatever you guys are trying to do."

He looked toward Jungkook and me and then toward the others. "Are you guys even worried that your fans are not going to turn up for the concert? The tickets are expensive and it is only for one night but don't you think that it is a huge risk that you guys are taking? They have the right to not go to the concert even though they have paid a lot of money for it."

"We have a lot of fans but the real fans will never betray us and they will be there for us." HoSeok hyung flashed a big smile and Mr. Bang almost cursed at him, it is a wild idea but it is true, there will be people still coming to see us and they will be there because they are the real fans and they will not abandon us just because we are disbanding.

They will be there for our schedules and they will continue to support us as if we are still in the group, nothing much will change after our disbandment and we trust our fans that we will be in their hearts forever. And that would at least be better than me leaving the group on my own, they will not be hating me or the members and they will still remember us for years and years to come.

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