삼십 오

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My day as Kim Taehyung's personal manager has finally ended and I have dropped him off at his place, well I technically didn't pick him up using the company's van but we walked back, I wanted to call for a private cab but he didn't want to, he told me that he wanted to walk and look at the scenery. I really should get a driver's licence as soon as possible or it is impossible for me to arrange transport for the other members when I am the manager and I can't drive, every idol manager should know how to drive and I am working hard for it.

I have talked to the head manager of BTS and he told me to get a driver's license by the end of this month or the company is going to fire me, and besides getting a driver's license allows you to do a lot of things. You are able to buy a car and drive a car without having any police pull you over and accusing you of not having a driver's license, it is a win-win situation and I had wished that I should have taken it a long time ago when I just turned legal but that part of my life was occupied by my training to be a K-pop idol, it took up almost 4 years of my life and I didn't achieve anything much from it.

It was a total failure and I wished that I hadn't taken the step to audition back then, I should have listened to my mother and become the perfect and sensible daughter like my older sister and do everything that my mother wants me to be. Instead, I ignored her and told her that I want to take control of my own life but in the end, it backfired and I lost a lot from it.

I got into my house and my mother was still cooking dinner, she looked at me and then looked back at the pot that she is cooking. "How was your class? I heard that it was cancelled." She asked.

"How did you know?" I asked her. "Did JiHoon told you about it?" Park JiHoon is a really good friend but he is also known as my mother's other son, he tells her everything about my life and I can't really hide any secrets from my mother because Park JiHoon will tell her anyway.

"He did, so you should be back 3 hours ago? Where did you go?" She asked me. "And you seem to be acting a little weird these days and not telling anyone where you are going, you are not hiding anything from me right?"

I coughed, I swear that she knows every single thing about my life and she has people spying on me all the time, one such person is Park JiHoon and he is a very dangerous one. And there is one thing that I hadn't told anyone about, I hadn't told them that I am working as a K-pop idol manager while juggling my schoolwork at the same time, I merely told Park JiHoon that I am now spending my time studying at a café somewhere downtown instead of his place and he didn't question anything, I just hoped that he wouldn't stalk me around, if not he will know everything that I have been trying so hard to hide from.

"No, of course not. You do know that I am not good at hiding stuff from you and you have your own ways to find out stuff about my life." I told her. "What are you cooking for dinner today anyway?" I changed the subject successfully and I helped her with cooking dinner to speed up the cooking because I am getting a little hungry.

I stayed in my room as soon as I am done with dinner and I studied up on trends on how a K-pop idol manager should be, I feel like I am still very far away from being a good manager and I have a lot of things to learn as well. I am lucky that the BTS members aren't very fussy people and they are extremely kind and thoughtful, well except for one person.

Kim Taehyung makes my blood boil every time I get to work, he somehow always has a lot of things for me to do and he would try his best to find fault with me, making my life hard for me when I am doing him a favour by being his manager. When I order food for the guys, he would have the weirdest requests and make the server confused every single time, he would bug me around when I am running my errands and most importantly, he would suddenly appear in front of me and scare the shit out of me and make me jump up in fright.

He has done this a lot of times and it still makes me frightened every time he does that, it is like a habit of his, appearing and disappearing anytime he wants to and when he wants to disappear, there is no way that you can change his mind that easily. That is what happened during his one year long hiatus where he left the K-pop industry for a while to run his café with a robot Barista, but now he is back and he looked happier than before.

The Kim Taehyung that I have met at the café, he was very strict and he seemed to look like he is hiding a lot about his past and showing his worst side of himself to me, he was stuck in the past, still blaming himself for the death of his younger sister. I didn't like that Kim Taehyung, it is his worst side and he is hiding a lot of his emotions, telling everyone to get away from me.

But ever since he came back, it is as if he came back to the old Kim Taehyung and he looked happier but I wonder if he is hiding his true emotions anywhere else, honestly I don't know and I wished for him to be happier now that he is back with his members. And he should start relying on his members as well, they are the people whom he calls his second family and the people who will help him get back on his feet to be the best version of Kim Taehyung that he can be.

Coffee Idol / kim taehyung (#29)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat