육십 삼

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It is the day of the concert and I am getting more worried the longer the time draws nearer to the concert, it is going to be their final concert before their disbandment and they are going to announce their disbandment at the end. It is a wild idea and it is something so risky that I didn't want to be a part of it but all of them were so confident that nothing bad will happen at their concert.

There is going to be chaos as soon as they start to announce their disbandment, there is no way that the fans are going to stay as their fans and continue to support them individually. All of the members have come to a decision that they have decided to do and after more than a decade and they are all going their separate ways, it is a tough decision to make and I am not fond of that decision.

There is no need for them to be disbanded when they are so famous but I can't oppose them wanting to disband I could only help them out with whatever they want to do, and I have to make sure that the fans don't go berserk and start smashing things at the concert later on.

"Dongmi, give me a smile." The camera flash catches me off guard and I stared at the person who decided that it would be a great time to take a photo of me and he even took a Polaroid of my ugly face.

"Delete it before I get even angry," I said to him and he is still waiting for the photo to develop. "I am serious about that, Kim Taehyung."

"You will look pretty, there is no way that you would not look pretty in a Polaroid." He handed it to me and he had a huge smile on his face, I hated it because it is making my heart feel weird. "Look at it, you will not get disappointed and you can keep it for future use."

"In case I will miss you at some point?" I asked and he was taken aback by my words and he quickly nodded his head. "Don't worry, I will not miss you. It is not like we will never be able to see each other again, I can always drop by at the cafe and see Daeyeon at work."

I looked at the polaroid now that it is developed and I looked different in that photo, it is how Kim Taehyung sees me daily and I looked much prettier than I had thought. I know that I am slightly above average but I have always thought that I was just a common face in the world of kpop idols seeing this picture makes me look at myself from a different perspective, this is how Kim Taehyung sees me and I look kind of pretty.

Does he think that I am pretty? "You look pretty in this." Suga ssi looked over my shoulder and he let out a sigh of disappointment as he looked at Kim Taehyung. "Taehyung, you can't just take a picture of your girl when she is not ready. You have to ask her to pose for you, she will look the prettiest compared to this."

Kim Taehyung looked kind of flustered and his face is turning red by the second. "I am taking pictures for everyone else since it will be the last time that we will be seeing each other and it will be a while before we will get to see each other again so I am just doing this as a memory."

"Fine, if you say so. Take a picture of me." Suga ssi began to pose and I burst out laughing. "Join me as well, Dongmi."

The rest of the members joined in as well and it is a great experience being in a group photo with them, it is something that I will cherish for a long time. There is still time before the concert starts and the members were all preparing for their solo stages, this concert is going to be the last for them and there won't be any more concerts for them, they are going to do their things on their own and they are not going to be together for a while.

It is sad knowing that these people have spent almost all of their lives and they are now going their separate ways to find themselves, it is heartbreaking to know that good things don't last forever but these people are going to be together forever.

The concert is starting in just a few minutes and the guys are all cheering each other on and it felt emotional right then but I can't cry in front of them, they wouldn't want me to do that on such a happy occasion. If I do cry, their moods will go down and it won't be a happy occasion for them anymore.

I decided to go to the changing room because it is the furthest away from everyone and I needed some time alone to calm my nerves, there is no way that they are going to know that I don't want them to disband and I want them to stay together for as long as possible. These guys are magical together and they bring hope to everyone, including mine and I feel grateful to be their manager and to be a part of them.

For them to disband is going to break my heart and my life is going to be different without them, especially Kim Taehyung. I will go back to my life, the boring life that I told myself to go to because I had to give up on my dream to be a regular girl, and I can't go back to that life.

The curtains were suddenly drawn open and I jumped up in fright, it was Kim Taehyung. "Dongmi, we are going to do a group chant-- why are you crying all of a sudden?" He was stunned at what he was seeing and I was also shocked that I was crying.

"I didn't want you guys to disband..." I sobbed. "But now it is too late, and I am going to be so sad about it."

He quickly pulled me into his embrace, his hand rubbing the small of my back and telling me that it is okay to cry. I cried even harder than all the other members are there and we all gave each other a big hug, delaying the show for about 10 minutes because we needed the time to let our emotions out. Especially mine, I have been bottling it up for so long that it feels better that I let it out...

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