이십 사

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I looked towards the two people in my room, they are talking to each other and it is a little loud and it makes me feel a little irritated, I don't like it when people talk in front of me without actually talking to me, it makes me feel neglected when there are 3 people in the same room and they are not talking to me at all.

And Song DaeYeon knows that I hate that people don't include me in their conversation that they are having with each other and pretending that I don't exist at all, it makes me want to punch him in the face right now and I want to do it right now. But instead, I crossed my arms angrily and cleared my throat, really loudly just so that they could hear it and get out of their bubble and finally focus on me. "The doctor said that I am alright and there is nothing to worry, the one that can leave this room should leave right now."

"Got it hyung, you just have your rest as much as you can and you will be in good condition next week." He said and then turned towards his best friend and started their conversations again, without me getting involved once again.

"I mean that I need my rest and I want someone very annoying to leave this place right now, you are making me so annoyed right now," I said that, looking towards Yang DongMi who is looking at me confused. "Yes, that's you, Yang DongMi. You have done what you have done and now you are not needed now, go to whatever that you need to go now and stop being a nuisance here."

"Hyung." Song DaeYeon nods. "Yes, we will do just that." And he takes Yang DongMi out of the room, finally granting some peace and quiet that I should've gotten a very long time ago.

I can't believe that Yang DongMi could be such a burden to me even when she is not working for me anymore, in fact, that she is getting more annoying the more that I see her. And it is not like I want to see her or I had a motive in meeting her today, she just pops out of nowhere today with her group of friends that she used to train with and they invaded my alone time just like that.

I was spending my afternoon quietly and without anyone else around me, Song DaeYeon was waiting for me downstairs and will only come up to fetch me when I am done talking to my younger sister and Yang DongMi just has to ruin the entire thing by showing up. No one else came to visit TaeEun after she has passed away, I was the only one coming up here every now and then, giving her the flowers that she loved before she passed on and I would sit down next to her and just update her about my life, no one else did that but me.

But now Yang DongMi is in the picture and I hate it a lot, I hate the fact that she is TaeEun's best friend and she lived with TaeEun for most of her teenage years and they have been friends for a very long time before she passed away. I hate the fact that she is showing concern and paying respects to TaeEun when she is partially the reason why my younger sister wanted to end her life and leave this horrible world.

If she hadn't been so assertive that TaeEun has to stop her manager from sexually abusing her, she wouldn't have died and she would still be alive today, leading a life that she liked and not lying with a bunch of flowers tied to her hands. Yang DongMi is the reason why my TaeEun didn't have a chance to live the life that she wanted to live, she is to blame for this entire thing.

"Yang DongMi has left the hospital, I sent her out." Song DaeYeon comes back into the hospital room and he places a hot cup of beverage on my table before sitting down on the chair next to me. "That cup is for you, it is hot chocolate that you liked."

"Did you tell her to never come to the café again?" He nodded. "Good. It is for the best that I don't see her again, she is nothing but a burden to me. She is only going to hurt me the longer that she stays in my life."

He doesn't say a word but stares at me before opening his mouth. "Hyung, is it that hard for you? To meet someone who was in your younger sister's life and to see her doing so fine, living the life that your younger sister could've led if not for that accident. Do you hate her, Taehyung hyung?"

It was a simple question but I couldn't answer it at all, I don't even know how much I exactly hated about Yang DongMi, she reminds me too much of my younger sister and I don't want to see her at all. Because she was everything that my younger sister could've been, my younger sister looked up to her so much when she was alive. "I don't know, to be honest, I just wanted her to be out of my life so that I wouldn't be suffering anymore."

She is the reason why I hated myself so much as well, I hid away from my members for so long ever since I found out that I couldn't dance anymore and I would be a burden to them, they wanted me to stay on and be their emotional support but I don't want to. I would just look like a failure while holding onto a microphone but sitting down on a high chair while the rest of my members danced so passionately on the stage, I don't want to look like that and I ran away from that, like an idiot and a coward. "DaeYeon, do you think that I am a burden to you? Do you think that I shouldn't be here at all?"

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