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"Is this another prank of yours?" She asked me, finally looking at me in the eye and she is feeling hurt by my confession. She isn't supposed to be feeling hurt... "You can't have feelings for me, I don't deserve to be loved by anyone, not even you."

"Why not?" I asked her. "Can you tell me why so that I don't sound like a bastard who is trying to force you into accepting my confession?"

Yang DongMi is someone that I have never expected to like, she is 5 years younger than me and she is like a younger sister to me. She is immature and she makes me so frustrated because I can't understand why she is always putting herself into a bind and she does all of those things that do not even make sense at all.

She chose to take up a part-time job at my cafe because she saw me there and she wanted to find out that I took a long hiatus from my group and it is like she liked me as an idol or something, she was just curious why I even took a long break and she could have just asked me beforehand and I would have told her the truth at some point.

She just wants me to stop working at my cafe and go back to the entertainment industry and so I did, announcing a huge return to the industry and I got a little more famous with that, that was her little wish for me to accept that TaeEun is not around anymore and I can do the things that I like again.

And then she decided to work as my manager even though she didn't need to do that, she is not involved in the industry anymore and she is studying full-time at a local university with a degree that would land her a job pretty easily and she is halfway through getting that degree, and she doesn't need to work because she comes from a well-to-do family and her older sister is a retired ballerina whose income could easily support her entire family for at least 3 years without having them to work.

But she is working for me and I don't like that, she is always so stubborn and I want her to know that she is an idiot and I like this particular idiot, she makes me laugh when I needed to and I find comfort in even though we are fighting half the time and I enjoy those moments where she would be rolling her eyes all the time.

"Let me just summarize everything that I want to say in one sentence, you are an idol and I am your manager and we can't be together." She said to me.

"Why not? We are all humans and we have the right to love anyone and we have the right to go after anyone that we want to be with, just like Naoki thought that his biggest mistake was meeting Kotoko but it turned out that he needed her more than anything else." I said to her.

"So you are comparing yourself to this ridiculous character who thinks that he is so popular that he can make the main character have a crush on him for almost 4 years." She said to me. "We are not in a drama and things don't happen like that, you have to be realistic about it and realize that we are not a good pair." She said, it might sound like she is being picky and all but she indeed has the right to love and to be with the person that she likes and it appears that I am not that person.

"We are not a good pair, does that mean that you don't like me?" I asked her and I could feel my heart shattering when I know that it isn't.

"If you want to put it in that way, that would perfectly describe the relationship between the two of us and we are officially considered to be coworkers." It is a harsh way of telling me that she doesn't like me but at least she is telling me straight up that she doesn't like someone like me." She crossed her arms at me. "So I don't have a reason why I have to allow myself to accept your confession and I hope that we can put this behind us and pretend that something like that didn't happen to the both of us."

Her words lingered in my mind for much longer than I had expected it is almost 4 am and I am still lying in my bed, unable to sleep because I just got rejected by my manager. It probably wouldn't hurt that much if you don't know that person very well but she works for me and she is always next to me and this confession of mine will be the basis of how our relationship is going to be very awkward.

I shouldn't have confessed to her... But at least I know that I don't see her as a little sister or TaeEun's friend, and it still doesn't change the fact that she is 5 years younger than me and she works for me as my manager.

I heard the PIN of the door being punched in and I know that it is Suga hyung, he is the only one who hasn't come back yet and he was working on his music as usual.

"Hyung." I greeted him as soon as he switched on the lights and he almost jumped up in fright. "I thought that you aren't going to come home today since it is already 4 am."

"I used up my brain juice to think of the new melody for our song and a little nap will reset my mind and make me a little less stressful, why are you even awake at this timing?" He said to me.

"Hyung, I confessed to Yang DongMi and she rejected me harshly, saying that we will never be able to work out because I am an idol and she is my manager," I told him.

"Then what are you going to do about it? Fire her so that you wouldn't get hurt anymore." I shrugged my shoulders. "As long as you don't make her uncomfortable, you have done the right thing." He patted me on the back and made his way to his room. Am I being a little too much for dropping the confession bomb on her without giving her any warning about it?

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