오십 육

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It was nearly evening when we alighted from the train and we finally arrived at Daegu, some guy told us that it will be a fast ride and there is no need to stop by somewhere to have our lunch before leaving for Daegu.

"I will pay for dinner, just tell me that you guys forgive me." Kim Seokjin said to all of us but we continued to walk out of the station, we could have reached Daegu earlier if the fans didn't recognize them at the ticketing booth and flooded the entire station with all of the fans wanting photographs and it is all because of Kim Seokjin telling them that the BTS members are going to board the train.

It is not like they weren't wearing any disguises, these guys are fully aware of their popularity and they know that the fans will appear everywhere if they appear in public and we are going to take the train because Mr Kim Seokjin insisted that they take the train to save on petrol costs but the thing is that they are billionaires and they definitely can afford to drive to Daegu in their cars but since they all decided to follow Seokjin so we decided to take the train and ended up in this situation.

"We could have driven here but a certain someone insisted that we travel like nobodies and ended up having a meet and greet at the train station and now the whole world knows that the worldly famous BTS is going to Daegu and Kim Taehyung is going to know that we are on the way of searching for him and he will try his hardest to hide from us," Jimin says to him. "What if he gets out of the country? It would be even harder to track him down."

"Guys, Seokjin hyung didn't intend this to happen. Let's just have our dinner and get to our lodging." Jungkook says to comfort them.

We decided to have our dinner at the lodging because we are afraid that we might not be able to have our meals in peace if we were to dine out and we will never be able to eat properly without a fan going up to us for a picture, and more pictures are going to be out on social media and Kim Taehyung is going to move further away from us with each picture that is being uploaded.

He is still not picking up his calls and I thought that he might be with Song Daeyeon, Song Daeyeon is one of the most loyal human beings that I have ever seen and I can't believe that he could be that loyal to Kim Taehyung. From what I know, he met Kim Taehyung after TaeEun had passed away he was undergoing a really hard time after his injury and he was at a loss of what to do in his life.

Song Daeyeon was just minding his business when he saw someone who is trying to give up on his life and he went to stop him from jumping off the building and told him that there are better things for him to do than to kill himself, he somehow managed to convince him to not think of killing himself and Kim Taehyung made him an exception to his life and he kept Daeyeon by his side during his entire hiatus and had him work at the cafe as his one and only employee and companion until I came to work there.

He had entrusted the cafe to Song Daeyeon when he came back to the group but knowing Kim Taehyung, he must have told Song Daeyeon to close up the cafe and they both made the move back to their hometown like a couple who is eloping for love except that they aren't exactly in love but it seems to be like that because Song Daeyeon is willing to die for Kim Taehyung.

I thought that I will be able to contact Song Daeyeon but he is someone who doesn't use his phone as much and he will not pick up my calls because that would lead to us being able to find Taehyung, so we are just using our instincts to find Kim Taehyung who is currently playing hide and seek with us.

"Don't blame Seokjin hyung, he is just worried about Taehyung." Namjoon ssi said to me before he goes to rest. "But trust us, we are going to find Taehyung and we are going to ask him to stay."

The Kim Taehyung that I met while working in a cafe feels like the Kim Taehyung that we are going to find, that guy doesn't know what he wants to do and he is just living his life aimlessly and just trying to disappear from everyone's memories and he is doing whatever he can to avoid reality and he doesn't care if anyone is looking for him or anyone is missing him. He lives for himself and he thinks about no one, that was the Kim Taehyung that I met and I hated that self because he was so selfish and he only thought about himself.

But he is hurt at the same time and he is not letting other people share his burden, he found out that he couldn't dance as well as he did before and he was afraid of dragging down his members which led him to leave the group so that the members could continue their career without having a member who has to sit out when they have to dance on the stage.

What he doesn't know is that his members don't mind the fact that he would not be able to join them on stage and they are willing to take him no matter what, and these people are going to make that choice once again and try their hardest to bring Kim Taehyung into the group again and they will hug him and tell him that there is no need to suffer alone because they will be there for him no matter what.

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