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I checked all of my messages as soon as I got off my flight, it was quite a long journey from my home country as I travelled on a plane with my other family who is here with me for purely work purposes, we are here to start off the European leg of our world tour, something that we have been doing for a few months now, starting from South Korea and to the western side of the world.

It is a place that I haven't really visited it myself and being a member of a K-pop group allows us to have the chance to go overseas for work, even if it is only for work, we are glad that we have gone overseas and I will never forget about all of the places that I have gone for work so that in the future I would go on a trip myself and visit all of these countries properly in my own styles.

It is the first time that I am travelling so far from home and honestly, I can't deny that I am feeling a little homesick, it had been a month since I have called home since I was always so busy but I have listened to all of the voicemails that my family members have left for me, all of them left a voicemail for me telling me to stay healthy so that I can greet the fans with the enthusiasm that I would always give.

Even my only younger sister left a few voicemails for me, telling me to send some pictures of the other members for her other members, she has successfully debuted last year after training for almost 5 years and she has been working really hard to get herself and the group known to the public. I selected the last voicemail that my younger sister has left for me and I placed my phone close to my ears so that I will be able to hear her voice clearly apart from the other 6 people who are in the same room as I am.

"Oppa, have you landed in New York? If you have, can you take a picture of yourself and post it in the family chat group? After you are done with that, can you call me? I want to hear your voice." I suddenly turned around and the 6 people that I have a common bond were around me, staring at me with that look that I don't really like, it is usually because they wanted to hear my younger sisters voice and they don't really have sisters except for HoSeok hyung who has an older sister who is 4 years older than him.

"So are you going to call her or not?" Park JiMin was the first one to speak and I stared at him dumbfoundedly. "You wouldn't? That's sad..."

"I would if you guys wouldn't act like this around me every time she leaves a voicemail to me, she may be a girl but she is still my younger sister. I have the right to choose a life partner for her and it wouldn't be any of you."  I told her, putting my phone down.

SeokJin hyung groaned. "Seriously? Why are you so secretive? We have never seen her not even once since you have mentioned that you have a younger sister and the most that we have ever gotten close to seeing her in person is hearing her voice when she calls you."

"I would have if you guys are not like this, she is just a girl and she is not like any other girl in this world, she is my precious younger sister and I only have her as a sibling." I moved to the toilet so that I can finally have my privacy from those childish men who are all dorks offstage.

I dialled her number and it goes on for a long while but she doesn't answer the call, I called her again because sometimes the call might not be connected due to the long distance that is between the two of us. But she still doesn't answer after 5 minutes, maybe she is busy from her preparations for her new album, they are releasing their album in 2 days and she must be working hard to get all the dance moves right and in sync with the other members.

Maybe I would call her later after the concert ends and she would be resting by then, but that opportunity never comes because I would get a call 3 minutes before the start of our first concert, the call that would affect everything that I will do until the moment where I would drop down to the floor with a loud thud, grabbing my leg as I screamed in pain and agony, after tripping over a member's leg with an unclear mind.

I was rushed off to the hospital after the concert ends and I stayed there for a few days where I would receive news that my leg is completely damaged and I wouldn't be able to work properly again, I would be in a wheelchair for quite a while until I would wear a leg brace as soon as I got back to South Korea and announce to my group members that I will be gone for a while to settle my thoughts.

And I went to the hospital a few minutes from the company, where I attended a funeral of a particular family member and I would spend hours crying alone in the dark, devastated that she is gone and will never come back alive due to what that man had done to her.

I had received the news of my younger sister in a suicide attempt on the day of the concert and she was raped twice by the same guy who is the manager of her group in exchange of getting more shows and exposure for the whole group. She sacrificed herself for the sake of her members and the future of her group, her manager threatened her to have sexual intercourse with her or he will make her leave the group, she agreed but a fellow group member found out about it and convinced her to tell the truth but she didn't, she chose to end her life the next day.

I was having a hard time trying to stop myself from crying and she came at the right time, held onto my hands and told me that everything is going to be alright and I have to move on with life but I chose not to, I avoided it and I still refuse to go back to work, I couldn't believe that my younger sister did so much for her group and all she got in return is death. Now I have one more person who knows the truth behind her suicide, I am starting to gain my confidence and I will make sure to expose the truth to everyone that needs to know about this.

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